The truth about open borders and racemixing

Many people on the left eagerly anticipate a future where white countries are brown because the recessive white traits got covered up by open borders and racemixing. They're mistaken.

Dominant traits dilute quickly if they're separated from each other. For example, if a "dominant" pure brown eye mixes with a "recessive" blue eye, the pure brown eye gets turned into a buckbroken carrier and can even be prevented from going back to pure.

Technically, the way to separate dominant traits from each other is to have them mix with recessive traits instead. Now that just sounds like racemixing. That's because racemixing is not a proper tool against white people. The only true advantage over white people is the sheer number of nonwhites, which leads to the final point.

Every day, more and more nonwhites wish to become part-white and are avoiding "dominant" traits as a result. It's seen as desirable to be mixed and have visible European features. Instead of sticking with other dominant traits, they're separating and becoming what they really want.

The chad recessive wins

Attached: ekohaf.jpg (500x460, 66.22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The truth about Jews: they fuck kids

We all know we are better than shit eyed retards, but who's the chaddest light eye sqaud?

All races are allowed to exist if they obey Christ.

Attached: Son of God 2.jpg (720x891, 216.28K)

What's the use of having blue eyes when you're shorter than 6'0? It's basically over for you.

negative IQ thread, kys you kike

Shut the fuck up nigger.

Race is more than appearance you stupid animal.

this could be a whitepill 10 years ago
when close to half of the youth in france and england are non-european this doesn't matter.

tfw hazel, the nigger of white eye color

Even niggers can have blue eyes. Who cares? In the end, the shitskin traits will take over when the common albino negro becomes the new "white" and European whites die out.

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The point is to create rootless easily-controlled bastards who have no ties to their ethnic history, culture or bloodline. Not eyecolor. Retard.

saged for being a race mixing shill thread and for implying we should bestow European genetic superiority upon lesser races rather than exterminate them

My dad's eyes were hazel/brown
My mom's eyes were shit brown
Mine are blue/green/hazel (from outer iris to inner)
How did this happen?

My mom has blue eyes, dad jas brown.
My fiance has green and my sister has blue.
Hmm I like these odds of having children with green or blue eyes.

Nice picture, But what is ya source?

Attached: 1637698668288.jpg (736x315, 14.14K)

True green is the superior color. And I don’t mean half brown half blue, but the separate mutation for emerald green uberman eyes

This info graphic is from the 90"s.
We've discovered there's more than 150 genes that control eye color.

>Stop the spread of white genes
And they call me the jew


On men blue because it’s cold and masculine but on women green because it’s warm but still light coloured

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100% chance a mentally broken spic/racemixed faggot is spamming this, probably some kind of rare mix like nigger/asian