Gas the kikes race war now

why do you still support (((economic consolidation))) which enables (((political consolidation))) and ultimately (((consolidation))) of all power in the hands of a tiny (((ruling class)))?

Attached: 285047276_5440268252653002_2632210408082345855_n.jpg (720x744, 95.27K)

All 4 of those things are my enemy

The first 3 are more of a threat to the 4th than they are to you.

also, the 4th is more of a threat to you than the first 3 are, combined

You have to be 25 to post here, kid

I'm 29.

Busted, kidwit

Busted for what? Are you going to attempt to make a point, or are you just going to keep flinging shit like a redditor newfaggot trying to fit in?

don't mind Russia, ...
your country is your enemy
>divide and conquer perhaps?

The government is controlled by an economic ruling class that is entirely disconnected from regular people in the country.


iran china and russia never threatened to kill me yet

The based department called asking for you, they said it was important.

Yes we definetly need a new ruling class and a more meritocratic system, Russia tried to push shitskins to our country tho so I'm not convinced they are not our enemies

We need to abandon the idea of a ruling class entirely.


Ofcourse not, hierarchy is good and necessary only idiot communist would think otherwise

Primate species in which the majority of rewards are (((consolidated))) in the hands of the monkeys at the top of the hierarchy have lower levels of cooperation and trust than primate species with relatively flat or egalitarian social hierarchies.

the economy rules everything anyway
the question is, how is your country producing value,
Internal stability the better for everyone (in your country), look at Africa for example.
It's in other countries (u know who) interest to destabilize your

Humans are not equal in ability and never will be so egalitarianism is retarded, that being said no one should be exploited and all people of the nation deserve a decent wage for their labor, what the hell does an egalitarian hierarchy even mean? That doesn't make any sense

the US government actively fosters internal instability in order to maintain control over their globe spanning empire. if the people are just divided enough to be at each other's throats, they won't go after the people actually fucking them over.

As in a hierarchy that recognizes the ability of talented members while not conferring to them power over the other members of the species.

>Adam Smith
>Karl Marx
All just sounds like the same heeb gobbledygook to me.

Adam Smith never once used the word capitalism(his writings predate the term by half a century), and when the word capitalism was coined, it was not being used to refer to the ideas of Adam Smith.

Attached: capitalism2.png (1136x114, 34.56K)

Hierarchy means someone has to be the leader and someone will be no matter what, glad we agree atleast on the meritocracy question, that should absolutely be a priority, right now in the west we have the most incapable leaders since idiots like Caligula in Rome who appointed a horse as consul

being a leader means taking on more responsibility for the good of the group, not to reap more benefits for yourself in an egoistic pursuit of power

power and/or material comfort*

Kill all jews

Jews merely took advantage of and commandeered a system created by the English and Dutch. It's this system that needs to be destroyed (along with killing all the jews)

Absolutely agreed, this is exactly why I am a national socialist, one of the coolest leaders of all time is Cincinnatus who became dictator 3 times, took care of business and went back to his farm every time to live a humble life instead of exploiting the power to his own benefit

Are you smoking crack? The ruling class does cause a lot of domestic issues but the Chinks and the Russoids would execute us in the streets, they would gas us. They wouldn't even bother fighting for or occupying our land. If they are on our shores, then the military has been likely neutralized. From there, there will be no house to house fighting. There will just be death and destruction, they would blanket us in chemical weapons and exterminate us. You don't know shit about these people.

I don't support any antiwhites. IRan is my enemy. China is my enemy. Russia is my enemy.
All of them are antiwhite.

Kinda true
as result from your "election system"(?) that spends money to basically program ppl
it's not perfect but somewhat worked all this years, you're living better than 60-90% of the world and get the freedom to shit talk your government XD
And in America it's way easier to start your own business than some other countries (flag related)
But still, instability fostered by other countries is worse, as it's in their interest to have influence over you
