What's even true anymore anons?

It feels like everything in this society is designed to rape you. At best the people are all incompetent at worst they want to rape you.

Go to the doctor they push a new experimental gene therapy for the cold on you. Go to the dentist they intentionally fuck up your jaw and teeth so you have to keep routinely going back.

The past 2 years is making me borderline schizophrenic the line between madness and awareness of reality is so small. I can't trust anything anymore how do you old fags deal with this shit.

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Keep building and dreaming user.

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At this point I am close to just working for 10 years then moving to Alaska in a cabin. It seems like a very uneventful life I wish I could do something.

The idea of running away and leaving society feels like losing. Maybe its just the USA

It's not just the USA. You're in a war, start acting like it. There's no need to be depressed. Just find likeminded people and start working toward a future with them, separated from the jewish civilization.

You are not alone, user. We Any Forumsacks need to start grouping up in safe manners and focus on what we do best; building reality.

I have completely stopped taking part in society except for the occasional supply run. To keep me sane I hang around in nature. Other than that I prepare for judgment day.

This separatism is the issue. There are many anons out there who feel the same, but we must find a way to group up. If only Any Forums had anonymous private messages....

dentist give you cancer, search root cause on odysse

Nature is true. Surviving day to day, hunting and gathering while avoiding Grizzly bears, that sort of thing.

I'm very close to doing that German user. This society is making me insane.

It would be one thing if it were just the guys at the top but its corrupt top to bottom. Most people are evil themselves they would shoot me if they were ordered to.

The cops are mostly evil or apathetic the doctors are lower level officials are. They are all evil.

I knew those dentites were up to something.

I have not visited a dentist in over ten years, they are all sociopaths and psychopaths, they fucked up my jaw just doing a routine cleaning and now I have nerve pain constantly. The dentist responsible just makes jokes

They also don't solve the root problems. A lot of the reason kids have fucked up teeth or crowding is due to mouth breathing and eating candy.

Instead of fixing the root issues they just put bandages that will not solve anything long term. Dentists literally fucked up my jaw with braces and made it a lot more narrow.

Also shit like removing wisdom teeth was unheard of in the past. Maybe 1 in 200 people genuinely need it the rest of the reasoning is either due to modern day bad health like mouth breathing or just made up to make money

Dentist and orthos are worse then doctors imo. At least most doctors are ignorant to the situation with the vaccine. And a lot of times doctors do mean well.

By dentistry itself is built on lies if they actually solved the issues with diet they would be seldomly needed. Doctors are a mixed bag because they have helped me a lot in the past but dentistry is rarely helpful.

Running away into the wilderness usually doesn't work. Especially today look at Waco try and build a breakaway thing they kill you with armed feds.

The only time you can meaningfully breakaway is when you are of no threat to anyone (meaning you aren't doing anything significant)

We live in a post truth society
What does it matter if 2+2=5
If the earth is flat
If a man can be a woman
We are in a battle of morality, lifestyles, direction
They're winning but you can't defeat a thought

If you want to fix this problem, find a nice loving white woman, move to the country, and breed and educate as many kids as possible. If you want to just enjoy life individually, then try to ignore the death of the west. Doesn't seem to be fixable in this lifetime. Focus on the good things in life, eat drink and be merry with fun funny people and have a fulfilling sex life and hobbies. Its hard to do, I still focus on all the bad things, but compartmentalize it and tune it out so I can accept my fate. Its really not that bad, I still personally get to live a much better and fun life than even any kings did 200 years ago

There is no way to fix all this. A global cataclysm. I don't want to sound edgy but I see no other way than a 95% global cataclysm. I am mid 30s and I can say I tried to fix things at least a little. Nope. It is done.

you've got to start laughing at it man
thats the clown pill. its jokes

I'm just waiting until I have the nerve to kill myself.

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Which is the weakest move any being in any universe can pull off.

Embrace the madness.

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You need to find ways to start starving the system.
>starve them of your money
>starve them of your labor
Start saying no to dumb shit like spending hundreds on a concert. Want to smoke weed? Start growing your own, wherever you are.

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The main cause is that we don't eat hard food anymore, like raw carrots and nuts

This faggot said it. I’m more than inclined to make a few pol buddies kind of hard nowadays though. Found one but he’s really autistic.

I haven't worked a legal job and played taxes in 10 years. I have ze government gibz platinum card.

That's part of it but peasants still ate soft foods like grains all day. I think a large part is mouth breathing