Reminder for all the NATO propagandized tranny cock suckers

Reminder for all the NATO propagandized tranny cock suckers

Putin's invasion of Ukraine is infinitely more justified than the US/NATO's invasion of Iraq. Reminder the entire western propaganda apparatus lied to its people about the existence of weapons of mass destruction

And you people still trust them kek

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No one should ever trust the government ever again after realizing they were lied to about Iraq. I’m amazed how many times Americans keep getting lied to and still follow the scumbag official narrative.

Iraq invasion was impresively executed, thats why everyone forgave them. Not this disgusting sloppy Ukraine shit by russians.

>Most powerful, modernized military in the world was able to execute effectively against goat farmers

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see, people, this is classic pilpul

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On the other side of the world, yes very impressive. Russia shits on his next door neighboor though.


Also keep in mind, we were there for the last 20 years and we got routed from Afghanistan. Airport overrun. The only thing making you think it wasn't sloppy was the strength of their propaganda

aaaand the pilpul retard samefags his own pilpul

You mix Afganistan eith Iraq dumbass. Staying in Afganistan was mistake yes.

The entire presence over there was a mistake, and our reasoning for being there outright fraudulent. What does it feel like to be this loyal to NATO?

What is pilpul.

Nah, fuck Sadam, I enjoyed seeing him hanged, you did good job there ameribros.

same as putin lied about biolabs and so far abandoned the idea focusing only on ukrainian resources
also dont talk about sucking cocks faggot
no one has more gay sex than russians and niggers

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I genuinely hope Russia is in control of your country by the end of the decade

you can take the iraq argument and shove it up your ass

Seethe, cope, dilate and hope.

Ah the pole rabid nato dog, it's always a cointoss whether it's going to be gay porn or le scary natoface memes
History repeats and Russia was supposed to be kicked out of Ukraine a month ago. Uh oh, are you looking forward to life back behind the curtain?

Well they were humiliated and kicked out of Kiev lol.

Where is your meds, you will explode from all the seethe.

Your double posting rage is half the thread, sovietbro

Be happy im bumping your boring post.

Yea, bombing the shit out of them is impressive. Russia drops a few bombs and the Western world cries about the humanity. Thanks for looking the other way while we bombed those goat fuckers and their kids.

The seethe must be really strong with you. How was life under former soviet occupation? Are you looking forward to it coming again?