Russians, explain me this

Weren't you guys the saviors of the white race? Why are you sissies to mongols, turks and muslims KEK

Asiatic sissy conditioning in the russcuckold army

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sorry but nobody ever asked Russia to save the white race that's something new from the Ukroshillse.

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Russians are not white. Real whites would instinctually bully gooks with small dick jokes to submission and fuck their sisters. Russians are some kind of subhuman offshoot that loses to even weak Chinks.

Kike cvck nigger kike nigger jew tranny troon nigger cvck kike jew cvck nigger tranny joo cvck kike troon tranny troon!

Russia will save white racerino

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Anal ID


Because the century of the Judeo-Bolshevik reign


OP is a jewish cocksucker

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no u, faggot.
This isn't 20fucking14, kekistan is a dead meme

Bolsonaro's best allies are saudis first and chinks coming in second

Islam will win no matter what

I thought russians themselves were supposed to be nonwhite mongoloids and successor to literal golden horde because they kept racemixing with Tatars and siberians

>Shills for islam and china.
>Meanwhile, China castrates muslim men and cvck them by fucking their women

I don't shill for chinks. They must be killed or islamized too. Along with your nigger race as well

Muslims are mostly black anyways

worry about Brazil you fucking Amazon monkey.
Half your gangs showoff Turkic blue wolf gang signs because of business dealings, your Alex Jones tier conspiracy tards are Turks, and most of Bolsonaro's serious politician allies are lebanese, meanwhile the military purges pro American /anti China right wingers.
All you macaques will be civilised under the sword of Islam and the trannies and commies will be put to death, and niggers and libtards like you will run to Florida.

you're worse, you're jungle abominations that resulted from bestiality


You are not even human, your women go to europe to fuck white dicks

your women fuck each other, because nobody non monkey would fuck em. Naturally you'll have to reset to a monkey tranny yourself