Can a chicken cry??? Well?

I don't know man...she really stumped me.

Anyone know where to watch this documentary? Here's another clip:


As a side note, my observational skills has determined that up isn't really up. It only appears 'up' based on our understanding of our position in space. If I were to stand on my head, 'up' becomes 'down'. Pretty interesting isn't it? But because we don't typically stand on our heads, we have never made this realization that it's only perspective.

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Other urls found in this thread:

He looks weird. Like basedfree basedmilk

>the black Supreme Court "justice" is so fucking dumb her "I'm not a biologist" response to being asked what a women is will be viral for years

Democrats always have the stupidest people surrounding them.

It's a traditional look that these weak hipsters subverted to look like "muh indie lumberjack fashion"

some women have penises and some men have vaginas

while i applaud his attempts, he wont really win any argument in this sphere. what we should garner from this and help others garner from this is not what a woman is, but rather what mental illness is. unironically, this "what is a woman debate" is basically a great set up for a prank to make nerds, dorks, and losers (aka trannys and tranny supporters) look even dumber, like classic jocks from the 80s. trolling dorks to say things like "its a meme you dip".
>can a chicken cry
this is a perfect self own and hightlights why these people are mentally ill, dorks, losers, outcasts, and deserving of the poorest of treatment until they buckle up and fly right

>t. failed biology inbred

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These people are insane, the so-called professionals that peddle trannies as normal

Bump as I also want a link to the full documentary. It looks good

>>can a chicken cry
>this is a perfect self own and hightlights why these people are mentally ill,
explain for me please

>Trust the science, trust the experts, they know their shit, you are an inbred idiot larper that just wants to go against the system

A Brit told me this unironically

Wow that’s hilarious, might actually pay to see this one.

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watch this on a lesson in bullying nerds.

true nerds will always fail to appropriately respond to bullying and will always instead defend their positions as if the person bullying them was actually mistaken in their assessment.
likewise, trannys and trans enablers (if the situation is right) will always defend their positions instead of seeing trans debates for what they are: showcases for their mental illness.
the point of bullying nerds was to simply get them to voluntarily display why they are nerds and why they deserve to be bullied in the first place.

Some women have penises. Get over it, bigot

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true jocks really dont give two shits if dweebs like magic the gathering. but they do care if the dweebs fail to self deprecate their nerd interests.
likewise, i would wager if trannies could simply acknowledge they are fucked and their interests are fucked and that their relegation to the bottom of the social hierarchy was justified, people wouldnt really care about them.
but instead trannies fight and defend their interests with such gusto that only makes them look even more deranged and only adds fuel to the bullying fire. this was the fatal flaw nerds made in the old days.

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Stream link:

Torrent link:
anonfiles dot com slash 93Jdq4mdy8 slash What_is_a_Woman_The_Daily_Wire.mp4_torrent

WTF We absolutely LOVE the Jews now and want to donate our foreskins to them!


thank you sir

Thanks bruv