Noooo, gotta have the heckin' kidderinos

>You see, humans are a unique type of pest, multiplying and poisoning our world, all while enforcing a structure of their own. A deeply unnatural structure. Where others saw order, I saw a straitjacket. A cruel, oppressive world dictated by made-up rules. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades. Each life a faded, lesser copy of the one before. Wake up, eat, work, sleep, reproduce, and die. Everyone is just waiting. Waiting for it all to be over. All while performing in a silly, terrible play, day after day.

Where is the lie?

Why is this board (and people at large) so obsessed with flooding the world with humans well past the point of sustainability? What is the benefit?

I'm not necessarily agreeing people should disappear altogether, but fuck the materialistic "grindset", fuck unnecessarily high reproduction, etc. We need to depopulate down to 500 million globally like pre-industrial days and focus on whites only, we don't need low IQ shitters running around.

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>28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
kill yourself OP

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the low iq would be the last ones willfully depopulating

>muh religion

OK, religion fags get out, you know it's just a thinly veiled meme because you want to have sex and would feel bad for doing it if you didn't do it the way your pedo priest told you to.

That was a great scene, ngl.

Yeah, people keep talking about him as if he's pure evil and all of this shit, but he's undeniably just based and above the bullshit. I don't want to actively kill everyone, but I also don't see the endgame in just clusterfucking the planet with far more people than we can sustain, especially when machines will soon make manual labor roughly obsolete and the only people worth having will be the upper echelon of critical thinkers to improve the machines and otherwise stabilize humanity and keep it from throwing the Earth out of balance.

I wonder what the Duffer Bros want to tell us with this, I consider everyone from jollywood a kike cocksucking jew and don't know anything about them.
But as you said, a deep-red redpill that flew over most Nintendos watching this 'teenie show'

People are too afraid of the reality paved out for them. Keep it within you, prepare how you must.
The reality of the world is that nobody is ready for the demise they confidently deny is occurring.

Think of it as all a wonderful show for us to watch if you have secured your existence in the future

Yeah, admittedly a pretty based, no bullshit take. But normies will just ignore it as "oooh, he's the bad guy".

I fucking love Stranger Things, reminds me of better days aside from the needless diversity of race/sexual orientation, but NEETflix probably forced them to do that.

More importantly, where's the argument? But to answer your retarded question. Manpower.

"A unique type of pest"
Take your pills, buddy.

Manpower for what? You generating electricity with yoked slaves? We have less of a need for sheer population numbers now than ever.

Maybe try reading the rest of the sentence, faggot. We've been overpopulating and wildly transforming the entire face of the Earth and doing so at a highly accelerated rate for the last 100 years. This isn't sustainable.

OP is probably a Jew with 5 children.

On day, when you're older than 17, you'll maybe eventually reach the conclusion that the ability to realize they're arbitrary doesn't make the things we evolved to be made happy by any less effective at making us happy.

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one day***

Bud, misspelling "one" was the least of the concerns with that incoherent grammatical abortion you just typed.

Does anyone speak schizo that can translate?

Humans aren’t a unified species, if someone falls behind they will become slaves to a group that didn’t. If you can find a way to circumvent this you will have solved most problems in the world

>waaa u used a pronoun before the noun it referenced and now I'm too dumb to follow

define "falls behind"

Literally just rephrase everything, it's not one or two things, it's just an incoherent sperg sentence.

>you'll maybe eventually reach the conclusion that the ability to realize they're arbitrary

What is arbitrary? what is "they"?

>doesn't make the things we evolved to be made happy

What things? how did they evolved? Who is happy?

>by any less effective at making us happy.

I can't even ask enough questions to make this part remotely make sense.

Are you ESL? If so, please leave and go back to your shithole country, thnx.

tranny joos on top and the rest below them as slave cattle ispretty unnaturla. naturally there would be germans and japanese on top, but all you NIGGERS do not allow that. you rather become trannies and eat ze bugs. PFff

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*evolved=evolve, should've changed tense

In any way that compromises their ability. If one country decides to disarm, or de industrialize, or reduce their manpower someone who didn’t WILL take advantage of that and live a better life for it. Holds true on every level down to the individual

It doesn't need to happen overnight, step one is to stop shitting out unnecessary kids that take more out of the system than they put in.

fucking and raising children makes you happy and if you don't, you feel empty and miserable.
the ability to realize these feelings are illogical/arbitrary does not make them go away.

Nonsense. Children are annoying and everyone I know with them mostly regrets having them. Continuing a cycle doesn't lead to fulfillment.

You are a lizard brained dipshit.

>has no desire to propagate his own genes because he knows he's unremarkable and yet insults others who do

It’s a sliding scale, fewer bodies means less economic output, less military power to threaten with, worse outcomes when dick measuring with others. Unless you can somehow convince literally every group on the planet to work lockstep with your goals all you are is an unwitting ethnic warrior for another team