How will start? When will it dr start?

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it start*

it won't, everyone is being a giant fucking pussy about it.

It's been going on for 2 years now.

it will start when China demands US pay real value for outstanding bonds in goods instead of services. when the US defaults, China will take Taiwan as this was the collateral offered for the multi-trillion dollar 30y loan.

what will happen is a naval conflict between the US and China. the US will win with some losses but it wont matter. the Pax Americana wlil be over forever and with it will go western exceptionalism and the US dollar as the world reserve currency.

total american dead: 3500.

No wonder you're so salty, you don't even understand that it isn't as fun without a little foreplay.

lel, send the central banksters or the pharmadia shareholders to the fronts. maybe they will bomb each other away.

Google translate "twelve months" into Estonian and press the listen button


dunno but it will stem from a Biden cockup

>Turkey, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia and Iran neutral
>Pakistan aligned with China
>Antarctica aligned with US (???)

Whoever made this map smokes crack

Probably some Turkish bullshit or some middle eastern/jew bullshit, if it's not globohomo vs the bear bullshit first.
Then after, comes everyone vs china.

You're not gonna make it

>US Allie
Ah, yes the mighty Penguin Republic of Antarctica.

Bolivia joined russia? Damn

Pakistan is aligned with China.
Anatarctica as in the Neuschwabenlanders, duh.
Iran should be red but Turkey and Saudi Arabia are mercenaries who'd betray their allies the second it becomes expedient to do so.

Antarctica would be of strategic value within a WW3 and the Western Alliance would almost instantly take control of it.

Usa and turkey hate each other. They were never really "allies"

It won't
All of the sides are kikes
There isn't a side that represents us.
If there are any rights they will be rebellions and civil wars.

It is likely neobolsheviks will try to seize power and a direct way like a gun grab. Then it will be in our interests to kill every neobolshevik on Earth.

It doesnt have to get to this point. I know humanity is on its nerves right now and people want to release but instead if killing each others why we dont pick a community and all jump on them. If I had to pick "randomly" I'd say lets go for the jews one more time. We could put the evangelical in too for good measure this time.

South American and Africa countries would not get involved, far too much risk for too little reward.

There's a reason they're called roaches. if they join the Russian alliance in the coming war they'll be like Italy in the last world wars and just give up half way through.
However they won't join the Russian side because of the mutual animosity over the Bosphorus.