Jaden McNeil tries to destroy Nicks Movement. Nick diagnoses him with Klinefelter syndrome live on air

Jaden McNeil tries to destroy Nicks Movement. Nick diagnoses him with Klinefelter syndrome live on air.
Bronze Age Pervert tries to destroy America First. Turns out he is jewish, controlled opposition and works for the government.
Why are Groypers always winning?

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No one cares about this irrelevant try hard astroturfed zoomer kike controlled OP who has multiple gay shill threads filled with fake comments from their chat script at all times. These kike parasites desperately want you to pay attention to shabbos and kike “e-celebs” while sliding the board and astroturfing kikes as your leaders. This is just one example of a shill op currently taking place.

Why does the Make Israel Great Movement hate this guy so much ?

fuentes is fucking fag

Winning at what? Cum hunting?

Did Nick self diagnose? He seems to fit more of the symptoms than Jaden.

with monke cummies you cannot lose

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Based tranny enjoyer

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Hey doesn’t this spic watch tranny porn? That’s weird as fuck, his “followers” must all be closeted homosexuals too.

the gay op failed bro

No intern that’s not how the internet works my retarded misguided child - you get caught with tranny porn it doesn’t just go away because your faggot fan club closes ranks and puts fingers in their ears.

He's Christian, his enemies are anti-Christian. Really that simple.
Go back, tranny.


Cum hunting
Cat boy fucking
No sex having
Manlet raging
Test tube born faggot

>He's Christian
jewish you mean?

>Turns out he is jewish, controlled opposition and works for the government.


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NF and AF members are merely using the widely normalized and accepted faggotness of cancel culture to mask their larps and grifts from criticism. They are the touchstone of modern white masculinity that demonstrates white masculinity and manhood to be in decline and about to take its last breath. Listening to and following these retards; just being on the Internet, is like playing a video game that requires specific button inputs and video game related situational maneuvers to survive in the game and advance the game. Yet, we have retards who leave the video games at home, go out into the real world and interact like they are in the video game. This, to me, is the most essential aspect of the entire e-celeb phenomena that both e-celebs and their followers are mindless about. There is a tremendous disconnect—a decoupling—from one's reality and most people cannot reorient themselves. So, they replicate internet interactions in the real world and daily lives. This fine line is narrowing each day and morons like NF take advantage of this. Yet, still, theirs is a relationship of symbiosis. Take your faggot asses off the internet and go work out and make real friendships and connections.


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Captcha : 0RGAN

I will rape, kill, die for Nick Fuentes.

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who is this mutt and why do i always see his mutt face here

ITT: the IDF

Is he still sniffing the piece he cut from Jaden's cumstained matress?

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Cope and seethe tranny

>Muh nick Fuentes
Is a literal faggot and you all parrot the word "faggot" here constantly.
Just admit it, you hate yourselves, why else would you keep slamming your dicks in your own doors by trusting eceleb after eceleb when it's ended in nothing but global humiliation for you every time?

>Why are Groypers always winning?
The incessant attempt to control the narrative says otherwise

Why do people support an exposed FBI rat running an FBI honeypot? His best friend and former co-host Patrick exposed him after Nick got picked up by the FBI for his Jan 6 involvement. They put him on no-fly list, froze his bank accounts, and seized his bitcoin. Patrick told him to go public with the fact he was being investigated and monitored by the FBI, but instead days after he was questioned, he created a website, streaming service, donation processing system all in one week (wonder who helped him program and set it all up so fast) and then organized an entire event that required people's name and credit card info just to attend.

Why did Nick make all the effort to keep it secret that he was being investigated by the FBI and host an event that provided prime intel for the feds on who is supporting him financially instead of letting people know and giving them the option to not get dragged in with him?

Ever wonder why Patrick Casey and the original crew abandoned him? Why do you think he pals around with Baked Alaska, a confirmed FBI informant?

He's an informant just like Hal Turner was, because of the trouble he got into from Jan 6.

Video of Patrick Casey exposing Nick Fuentes for being a fed informant. Starts at the 7 minute mark:

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