Any reason why you are letting this happen ?

any reason why you are letting this happen ?

Attached: Screenshot 2022-06-02 at 23-16-26 Muslim call to prayer arrives to Minneapolis soundscape.png (668x687, 510.84K)

Its better than groomer parades?

imagine having to be called to prayer.
wow so devout

seriously how fucking heretical are you that you need to be called to pray at the same time every day and not remembering to do it yourself?
these goatfuckers cant program a reminder into their smartphones and set a sandnigger song ringtone for it?

Can't they just get a phone notification? What the fuck is with these shithole citiies and their love of terrorists?

>Ring bells at the same time to drown it out
Not my problem problem solved

the purpose of call to prayer is literally just to make non-muslims desire to move away.
this is how they clear geographical areas for themselves.

Attached: Minnesota State Troopers.jpg (713x533, 54.75K)

its not a notification bell

they want converts and their domineering presence known

It's a sign of domination you fucking cuck.

BTW, the like 3 mosques in the entire country here are not allowed to do it. KEK. You fucking cuck nation.

relax nip

cope mutt

killing saracens is a god given right of my people.

this, and yep.
I asked my mother what the church is doing to combat the luciferian and islamic agendas in our country.
no fucking answer to that... her church she's so fucking proud of, is aiding and abetting its own destruction, and the rape and pillage of its own congregation.

Why do they so frequently use old churces and why are they afraid to call a mosqu a mosque and use this "Islamic Center" nonsense?

That would be so fucking annoying
hopefully somebody just goes and honks airhorns when they do that

Based. Keep fighting globohomo sushibro

Not really that different of a concept than church bells.

But bells are haram because some random sand man said so.

Don't muricuks have noise laws, didn'r they ban the fucking concord because ut was loud?

Some muzzies were blasting arabic music at my local park. Turned them to turn it off and when they gave me the whole smile and no speak english treatment I opened their van door and turned the vehicle off myself.

More cucked than France

Attached: A3DEDDFC-ED13-4D2E-863D-EEB911AE9905.jpg (1170x1951, 1.24M)

Attached: FE6502F5-7CBB-4519-AAC5-254DD0F9EA6F.jpg (502x302, 42.59K)

In my town power tools are allowed between 8:00 and 20:00.

This, it's a flex

The Holy Quran is the truth. You’re being disingenuous if you say otherwise.

For the lulz? What do you suggest there, Changeroo?

Attached: ChangIsFuckingIdiot.png (1072x617, 827.14K)

I wanna call bullshit but those digits. Checked

>Muslim call to prayers
I hope you yanks are aware that this is a redline in Europe. Not even the Swedes are willing to debase themselves on this level.

Allowing this is total fucking submission

Racist not to.

>any reason why you are letting this happen ?
no one is paying me to do anything about it