Didn't the French Revolution Guillotine Journalists?

I did a report at school on the French Revolution in Elementary School. (c late 90s). I remember all the sources I read citing lying journalists as one of the causes of the revolution. Peasants were pissed off at lying journalists and when the lynch mobs and guillotines came out, lying journalists were among the first to be targeted by the mob.

Now when I attempt to look up information about the French Revolution targeting lying journalists and lynching them, I can't find it anywhere. I remember books talking about the Fifth Estate and the Peasants directly targeting it.

Now when I attempt to look up information about this online, I can't find anything about journalists being targeted during the French Revolution.

Is my memory wrong or are they hiding information about how French peasants launched a revolution partially because of lying French media?

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Make lists, frens. Check them twice. Be sure to jot down which fucking filthy parasite kikes were naughty or nice.

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I learned about the French Revolutions in high school in the mid 2000s and that was not a point or topic mentioned.

more complicated but the french revolution was justified and was thus more intense around paris wich was really high in inequality, and most newspaper publications came from paris.

the other thing to consider was also the fact that the starving people were armed by the bourgeois (wich were as rich but without the privileges of the nobility) and the freemasons.

now one other thing to understand is that the revolution really became popular in all of france during the revolutionnary wars in wich french peasants saw their land getting trashed by austro-prussian forces and thus turned to the revolution (also why most of the anti revolutionnary were in the west wich was not very touched by either the war and the parisian pauverty)

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map of the anti revolutionnary, you can see it's mostly in the south and the west

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"Two days after the coup d'etat of 18 Fructidor, a decree of the Directory ordered the taking to the Force prison of the editors of thirty-two newspapers, "all accused of conspiracy against the internal and external security of the Republic, especially provocations for the restoration of royalty and the dissolution of the republican government”. On the 22nd of the same month, on the report of Bailleul, a resolution of the Five Hundred ordered the deportation of fifty-four other journalists whose goods were sequestered."


Alexander Dumas wrote a book about one of the illuminati freemasons who started the revolution. I got to read it one of these days.

"Two years later, the repression against journalists increased when, by a decree of the Executive Board, dated 28 Nivôse, year VII, ordered the deportation of Laharpe, Fontanes, Bourlet de Vauxcelles, du Mémorial, Langlois, Lunier, Porte, from the Evening Messenger, Beaulieu de Tallerac, Bridel-Sourignières, from the Mirror, Boyer, from National and Foreign Political News, Robert, from the Observer of Europe, Perlet, Lagarde Fontanilles from Perlet, Lucet, from Petit-Gautier, Nicole from the Postillon of the armies, Duval from the Precursor, Marchand, Geoffroy, Riche and Lipert from the Quotidienne, Villers fils, Montmignon, Daudoucet from the Rapsodies of the day, Bertin d'Antilly from the Thé, Leblanc, Dupré from the Public Tribune, Poujade, Ladevèze of the Truthful, Lefebvre-Grandmaison, Pontcharraux called the Roman of Argus, Sicard of the Catholic Annales, Barruel-Beauvert of the Acts of the Apostles, Richer-Sérizy, Migneret the eldest of the Public Accuser, Grosley, Lassale, Grimaldy of the Aurora, Gallais, Langlois du Cense ur of the newspapers, Pelzin of the Courrier de Lyon, Caillot, Denis, of the Courrier extraordinaire, Brouillet, Meilliac of the Anti-Terrorist, Flexchelles frères, Poncelin, Jardin, Auvray of the Courrier Républicain, Tulot, Detain of the Luncheon, Wasselin of the Écho, Bertin-de-Vaux, Neuville from Éclair, Guth from literary Europe, Fiévé, Debarle from the Gazette française, Rippert from the Gazette universeIle, Brackeniers from the Impartial Bruxellois, Morneweck from the Impartial Européen, Royou of the Invariable, Chotard, Daubonneau, Clausson, Colas of the Journal des colonies, Jollivet, Barallère, Teulières of the Journal general de France or guardian of the Constitution."

I have never heard of lying journalists being blamed

Unbelievable that they were deported instead of executed publicly.
Where would USA peasants deport our treasonous journalists to?

Yea, Marat was your standard treacherous journo-kike that doxxed anyone he didn’t like, and was eventually himself killed in the blood orgy he helped create.

yes the freemasons weren't really a secret organization back then, they were even very public about their support of republicanism and nationalism.

article in french about the public free masons in brittany : quimper.bzh/1054-la-franc-maconnerie-a-quimper-au-siecle-des-lumieres.htm

deportation was more of a saying that they were expelled from the country and had to go to germany, it's what we call the "émigrés", and i think that people often struggle with the fact that the guillotine was very rare for bourgeois who had enough money to flee

War and Peace is all about this. USA used to have an anti mason party. William Henry Harrison is the only president associated with them. He died within his first 90 days in the White House

These quotes come from the Wikipedia I've just read too. It doesn't cite its sources, but the bibliography is worth taking a look.

Is it known if these journalist cunts continued their good work in Germany?

I think your memory is wrong. Back then it wasn't like Paris had one big newspaper that everyone read. It was more like twitter, with hundreds of different average Joes printing their own pamphlets and independently distributing them, where they would be read aloud at bars.

That said, the insurrectionists decapitated everyone they could. They even decapitated statues of saints that decorated the Notre Dame because the peasants were so fucking stupid they thought the statues were of clergy and nobility. And I'm sure they decapitated some people who made these pamphlets, but not because they were liars, but because they weren't extreme enough. They decapitated people who said changing all the calendars to having ten months a year with ten days in a week was dumb. They decapitated people who said changing all the clocks to have only ten hours a day was dumb. They also decapitated anyone who just sat on the sidelines and watched in silence and didn't actively participate in the madness. Anyone who wasn't frothing at the mouth radical got the chop.

most likely they got fucked by napoleon and the following ultra monarchist government, but it's believed a lot of them helped kickstart the 1848 revolution

>That said, the insurrectionists decapitated everyone they could. They even decapitated statues of saints that decorated the Notre Dame because the peasants were so fucking stupid they thought the statues were of clergy and nobility. And I'm sure they decapitated some people who made these pamphlets, but not because they were liars, but because they weren't extreme enough. They decapitated people who said changing all the calendars to having ten months a year with ten days in a week was dumb. They decapitated people who said changing all the clocks to have only ten hours a day was dumb. They also decapitated anyone who just sat on the sidelines and watched in silence and didn't actively participate in the madness. Anyone who wasn't frothing at the mouth radical got the chop.
I think the peasants were smarter than you give them credit for. Catholic pedophilia has existed for hundreds of years. The peasants were sending a message to the monsters who kidnap and fucked their children. Many of the peasants probably experience Catholic priest pizza parties themselves.
I remember the books I read talking about "The Fifth Estate" and peasants and bourgeoisie blamed them for supporting the royals and nobles.

true but the secret society that decide presidents exist, look at the bohemian grove wich deciced every republican candidates (exept trump wich isn't recorded to have participated)