USA needs a national Childhood Animal Abuser Database

Salvador Ramos
>Killed local cats, would throw the bodies at neighbourhood houses
Peyton Gendron
>Photographed the cats he tortured and killed
Ethan Crumbley
>Killed cats, tortured a nest of baby birds to death
Nikolas Cruz
>Tied up frogs/chickens/squirrels as target practice, anally raped rabbits to death with sticks
Kip Kinkel
>chopped up a cow to death, stuffed lit firecrackers into cat’s mouths
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold
>boasted about killing and mutilating neighbourhood pets

In most of these cases, the animal abuse was known to parents and local authorities.
If banning guns is off the table, red flagging animal abusing kids should be a fair compromise.

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Jamal is gonna rip him a new one isnt he?

i mean I would honestly be ok with this

more databases, policing guns, speech, etc won't fix the fucked up shit the world is in right now.

Term limits on politicians for starters will.

Then taking all the money they wasted on pet projects on actually investing it in their local communities would.

If these people cared so much about gun violence, minorities, bullying, etc they would get criminals of the streets, promote programs where family units were encouraged, and mentors were there for kids who were lost and struggling.

For all the talk about "muh righties don't care about babies dying" the left only cares when kids get shot at a school. Because they sure as shit don't give a flying fuck about everyone getting shot by criminals daily in all their inner city hell holes they have run for decades, or everyone that will be killed by their "weapons of war" they ship overseas and spend billions financing proxy wars, while telling their own people "fuck you" and refusing to invest in their own country.

And not just the US, it's like this everywhere.

wtf are wrong with these people, animals are innocent.

I sorta agree but also don't

Ignored, stay on topic next time please

It’s true that the majority of animal abusers don’t turn into school shooters, but almost all school shooters (especially those still of school age) do have a record of severe animal abuse.

How many would this realistically affect? Maybe 20k people a year? Extreme animal abuse in childhood is very rare in childhood, but common in school shooters. It’s the lowest hanging fruit with the maximum possible impact.

I don't agree, gas the parents they're too incompetent to live




found the school shooter

I don't believe you'll find much disagreement from Any Forums on this one, OP.
This will be a short thread.

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Any kid torturing cats should be executed before they grow up to become cereal killers. Give them a trial, guilty means death. Give me a Kar-98 and I'll take them out back the courthouse and put three in their chest. Quick, efficient, effective.

I hate Russia and I hate Serbia.

>cereal killer

Killing to eat does not equal killing for entertainment, cats do both BTW.

He didn't show signs of animal torture. He wasn't a conventional psychopath either. What he did was wrong however.

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Animal abuse should at least be considered a risk factor that can be used to deny your LTC or sale of a gun

Yeah Adam Lanza didn’t show any animal abusing traits either.
But the majority of school shooters do, especially those who are school aged themselves.

Yep. Absolutely.

>Pic related

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Should autism be a risk factor?

A database of where to find the graves of the animal abusers we immediately euthanize on principle, perhaps.

Hahaha maybe but autism is too common.
The advantage of designating animal abusers is they are rare in the general population. I’m not talking about folk who are harsh towards dogs or whatever, I mean teenagers/kids who torture small animals to death for fun.
Personally I don’t know anyone growing up who did that, but it’s such a common trait amongst young mass shooters.