Italy is the key to the gun ban discourse

Italy, like many european countries, has gun control laws, but they're very relaxed and as such we have millions of gun owners and tens of millions of guns circulating, yet ZERO school shootings in centuries. The people who wish to ban guns in the US don't point to us, they point to australia, the UK and similar countries where even owning a pistol is considered a big deal

Why, despite the amount of guns and ease of access, does italy have no school shootings? in my opinion it's simple:

Shit society + EZ Guns = Incels shooting up schools

In italy we do have incels and general losers, but there's both a difference in treatment and social nets compared to the US. We do bully our outcasts, but we very rarely get to the point of making them suicidal or so low that they have nothing to lose and thus become dangerous. Even if you're ostracized by your whole school because you watch pedo anime, we have a generally warmer and more accepting society that provides people with a sense of belonging, if you lack a father figure you can easily find it elsewhere, in a job, in a friend's family, at a gym, soccer field or whatever

The result is that our incels either become shutin non-threats or find their own way again and become happy in life, they don't reach levels of hate for the world that make them commit random atrocities, because even if their peers reject them they can still see some beauty in the world around them, a bit of soul

America is a shit satan country and this cannot happen, the life of a young outcast there must be pure hell especially if you have the wrong political opinion in a heavily partisan area (liberal or conservative), people will literally hunt you down and try to prevent you from living, constant bullying, doxxing and constant internet shaming, completely vapid people without a history or a sense of belonging just endlessly competing, and if you look like 4chanface it's game over for you, so you grab a gun and do some sick evil shit

My theory

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And an Extra: ANTIDEPRESSANTS shouldn't be given to kids, ever

I think you are a very dumb person

we don't have shootings because we have regulations you retard. Unlike america you don't go in an esselunga and walk out with a bag of oranges and a gun.
Only thin I agree with you on the antidepressants part though, we generally have better mental health than america and don't prescribe dangerous medication like candy

i would love to have Adderall for breakfast though
I'm working hard right now and cofee isn't enough

op is a rural and suburban retard

You can buy a legal AK47 in this country, you can conceal carry it right up to a school, whip it out and start shooting when all the kids gather outside

Why does this not happen? there's no regulation preventing any of it, it just doesn't happen because we're not a nation of mentally ill morons

try to not eat in the evening. When I feel tired that's what I do and my energy improves over a week
yes you could, difference is that to do so here you have controls which filters out most of the schizos that would do such a thing, unlike in america where everyone can buy deadly weapons with zero control, including the mentally ill or violent

Shitaly is irrelevant to literally everything


This is the main culprit. Besides, our gun laws are as that relaxed if compared to Switzerland, so to speak, but way more than the random normie imagine.

You could steal it from your uncle, you could have someone else buy it from you, you could with a bit effort by one from the mafia or camorra, it doesn't hold up

There just aren't people who would do it, again we do have our outcasts but there's something preventing them from just unleashing death on elementary school children, if you really wanted to do that you could it here or you could do it in a disarmed america

We just don't do that kind of stuff, there's something preventing it and imho it's our culture, we have a better society to live in

we cant carry guns on public soil for no reason but if you have a permit to own one what stops you from picking it up and going to a school instead of a shooting range? its a cultural matter tho, you can own guns in italy but its treated like a tool for hunting or sport equipment for leisure or competition its not a part of our personality and a pillar to our country values. america is a sick place full of mentally ill people, thats the problem.

based retard everything you've said is wrong

I don't think you have the political divide I this nation either. Do you think gun control laws are weaponized to disarm political opponents in Italy? I feel that the moment you allow more gun control in the USA the left will weaponized it as much as possible to attack what they see as MAGA Nazis.

> Unlike america you don't go in an esselunga and walk out with a bag of oranges and a gun.
Let me guess, you saw a meme on FB. Go kill yourself. Besides, a person doesn’t need a gun (which ia quite easily buyable on the black market) to commit a mass murder. You can drive a vehicle outside of a school/kindergarten at the end of school, or into a public gathering of pedestrians.

Mass shootings and gun crime in general is overwhelmingly niggers and is nigger on nigger crime. That is what Italy really lacks.

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we also don't have gang shooting and stuff
most of the time when someone shits the bed they just "disappear" him
Even the way we do crime is different

You are a fucking mongoloid and never had a gun. I got my licence at 18, I was and incel loser beaten on a Daily basis that listened to metal and all that. I was a walking Red flag, yet they allowed me to have a gun why? Because the system Is a joke, the Reason we don't have shootings Is because we don't have as many niggers

criminals don't care about any regulation, law or bureaucratic obstacle, they will find a way to obtain a gun and they will do what they want to do, unless they're stopped in a random search just before they try to

Police is extremely relaxed here, you could realistically drive with a concealed gun and as long as all the papers are fine no one would even think to search your car for it

In my opinion it's just culture and mental illness, I agree with you

Euros have been trained to have a pavlovian response gun = bad.

Retarded take. Kill yourself. I hate npcs like you.

Guns should be fully legal and everyone who's not a violent felon or a nutjob should be able to carry.

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yes you could, but again since those are illegal and more complicated,it filters out most of the people who would acutally go out an do it. Criminals mostly act on impulse with little planning, the harder you make it for them to commit a crime, the less cime overall. It's not 100% foolproof but nothing is
>but if you have a permit to own one what stops you from picking it up and going to a school instead of a shooting range?
the fact that you having a permit means you were thouroghly screened before and thus are established as being a person that wouldn't do such a thing. It's the main difference with america. Then of course having better mental health overall helps, but it's not number one reason

Beccaria wrote a about this some century ago. Yet leftists hide that part under the rug.
I was going to write that. I had a normal upbringing if compared to yours, but obtaining the sporting license was pretty easy. Heck, the visit was done by a MD I personally know. It was more of a bureaucratic formality. But I’m ok that normies doesn’t know about it, otherwise they’ll start demanding stupid regulations.

>the fact that you having a permit means you were thouroghly screened before and thus are established as being a person that wouldn't do such a thing.
you are clueless

Where did I say I disagree? I don't think there's anything wrong with guns, they're a tool, a dangerous one but still a tool

There are gang shootings though, it's not a daily thing but we do have little shits getting illegal guns and shooting rivals on top of scooters, that does happen but even then, when they do kill some innocent person they weren't really targeting them, we don't have MASS shootings but there are a couple gun battles here and there

Ignorant subhuman. Educate yourself on guns before opening your mouth again.
The difference is that we already took the gun rights away from people so our spooks don't need to organize false flags to push a narrative like they have to do in the Us.

One day I will be able to legally carry while doing the groceries and emasculated faggots like you will not be able to stop me.

>its not a part of our personality and a pillar to our country values
This is false. You are ignorant about Italy's history and culture. Open a fucking book.

But you can't just ignore the fact that you can evade all that process, and as the other guy is saying the process itself is flawed and could potentially let dangerous criminals get guns, they just have to have a sane appearance and clean papers

dude we were on the verge of civil war up until the 80s with the years of lead. Plenty of division to go around. But at least we can all agree on the basic rules: we don't want people to die needlessly and we don't want to retrict rights more than it's needed, which is why things work the way they do here. You have to find a synthesis of opposing positions or else you end up down a bad path
an example of two people that should never be anywhere near anything more dangerous than a pair of scissors with a rounded point.

Just one thing, if you want to carry a gun around you have to fucking prove that you know what you're doing. You should have the same level of training (in theory, most of them suck) of a policeman or military, nothing less. I don't want morons with guns who can't even shoot straight, or who are temperamental and have anger issues, for example, and there's nothing wrong with requiring this

If someone next to me has a gun but is trained and a sane person, he is an asset, if the same person is a moron with power fantasies he becomes a danger, regardless of the situation

But this is off topic, my question and theory is about why, in italy, we don't see absolute evil shit people shooting kids for desperation and media fame, and the answer is societal

>shooting rival on top of scooters
So like Brazil

>we're not a nation of mentally ill morons
we are more on the masochistic spectrum than the sadistic one
proof is people getting multiple covid boosters and walking with face kippahs in the middle of parks

>he pointed out how a malevolent actor can kill multiple people in one shot without a gun rendering my post useless
>b-but I couldn’t have formulated such ideas, thus he must be a dangerous man
Kys faggot! Go suck a nigger dick. What about that shot?

of course you can as I said it's not foolproof. but the fact that you have an even basic licensing process in place filters out a ton of the crap that would otherwise flow through. Remember, 99% of criminals are opportunists with no planning, no different from the gypsies that steal your phone in front of the station. The 1% you can never filter out, but that's why police and intelligence agencies exist, since the 1% of criminals is orders of magnitude more dangerous than gypsies (think terrorists, mafia, etc.)