It's not fair anons

>be boomer
>born after WW2 so economy is great
>95% white
>no societal rot or degeneracy
>buy mansion for $20,000
>trad virgin wife guaranteed
>raise 5 kids for pennies
>retire at 45
>die before climate crisis and resource wars

These guys had the best timeline in history.

Attached: jfk60s.jpg (675x800, 51.07K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Im black and i still get white trad girls.

>white trad girls
no such thing

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USA will become minority white in the 2040s :) Less than 20 years away. What are you going to do about it, user?

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They take it for granted too. They have no idea the situation their descendants are in, they can't even comprehend it.

>be my grandfather
>be born 1904 in occupied Poland under Russian tsar
>live through world war
>live through ANOTHER world war
>live through 45 years of communism
>die two years after Poland is finally free and on the path to prosperity
tl,dr: life isn't fair

Never cheat on your wife

Attached: 1645593377257.gif (330x271, 3.8M)

Tough times make tough people. Its why there are so many troons today.

America abandoned Christ. This is what you get.

Attached: Teach us Jesus.jpg (720x713, 192.83K)

Black females make remarkable Roman Catholics

Attached: Sister Josephine Bakhita .jpg (720x1085, 195.25K)

These shills can not stop the (((jfk propaganda))) for one day.

I would say the pro-JFK propaganda is the most annoying propaganda on Any Forums.

I had enough of this nigger lover shabbos goy crypto-communist ex-president tranny and his half jewish family.

Attached: JFK the nigger lover.jpg (194x259, 10.9K)

I... er—ah.... wanna pahty plahhtah

Saint Josephine pray for us

Attached: Slave to saint.jpg (720x405, 59.04K)

The bitch will defo shoot you in the head!

>Based leaf poster?!

Oi vey!

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>let me tell you why this country that is majority christian is degenerate but not because of christians
Let me point you towards Africa for another christian shithole you niggerkike christcuck.
>worships fags
>worships jews
>worships whores
>worships immigrants
>let me tell you why this is your fault
Christturds are just like jews in that they lie. About everything. Just to get others to join their moloch death cult where you lose your soul forever if you don't worship a jew.
Christ kikes not even once.

Attached: 180702180845-02-christian-pride-apology.jpg (1600x900, 697.45K)

Africa has a thriving and vibrant Catholic community. Africans make remarkable Roman Catholics

Attached: His eminence Cardinal Sarah speaks.jpg (567x908, 170.76K)

America was invented by satanists. Its leaders have never been Christian

Attached: Born to lose.jpg (649x805, 186.49K)

Jews can be saved just look at saint Edith Stein

Attached: Jewdank dunked on.jpg (720x1126, 200.2K)