77% of American economy is a service sector. How is this possible?

77% of American economy is a service sector. How is this possible?

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Because of picrel.

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It's a huge economy.
So huge that industry makes up less than 30% of it and everyone has everything.
The remaining 70% can go to services (convenience of living).

Its entirely possible.

But not sustainable.

low profit margin production got offshored to Asia + efficiency trough automation.

that's a cute pig

this guy sent all of our manufacturing to china and mexico when he worked in bill clinton's administration

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Advanced financial Jewry (which accounts for much of our service sector, too), together with deindustrialisation and noncompetitive trade laws stripping a huge chunk of the manufacturing sector and primary industries. It's basically a nation of bankers, warehouse workers, programmers, and used car salesmen.

You mean slightly more than Japan and Germany and less than the UK? How could that happen?!

The judeocapitalist's solution to overproduction is to make us so indolent and lazy that our needs are multiplied to match up
The logical solution is to pare back quantity to focus on quality, but that doesn't make money
>'8 MR JeW
>simple as

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Production is in the hands of the elites, not the common men


can pigs eat chocolate?
or isn't it good for them?

Russia holds massive riches yet it keeps being poor. Over half of Russian economy is about exporting natural resources. How come Russia is consistently one of poorest countries in Europe?

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To get the super monies you gotta take food to fat peoples table and call them boss whilst dripping ambrosia into their childrens mouths - half naked of course

Funny i wondered the same
This meme is effective for pig health awareness everywhere in everyone

>1965 immigration act
>china enters the WTO

So ya basicly this

Because of Jews and boomers. They hate the idea that a nation's economy, culture, and genepool should be as closed, autarkic, and nationalist as possible. It fucking triggers them.

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This is why I don't eat pork. Look at that little face.

His face is delicious

We wonder the same fucking thing every day.

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Stop eating pork. It's evil. If you saw how they're factory farmed and slaughtered you'd understand.

Managements is part that service sector and workers are mainly outsourced somewhere else.

Dogs can't eat chocolate.
Pigs can eat everything, it's why people domesticated them.

>If you saw how they're factory farmed and slaughtered you'd understand.
you can say that pretty much about any animal that is being farmed on industrial scale

She a cute... who is this beautiful hot dog stuffer?

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Yes, but pigs are much more intelligent than chickens or cows. I'm against all factory farming though.

Someone will be along shortly to post the burning pit of pigs webm. Son of a whore.

But user I’m the one that farms and slaughters pigs. Seems above board to me.
t. Former slaughter house user turned farm user.

Stop breathing air... its filled with the exhaled droplets of oppressed and enslaved people from around the world and the toxic chemical aftermaths of their forced emotional and physical labors

What is the problem? 77% of slaves must serve their masters. This percentage can be increased to 90% and nothing bad will happen

The wealth the economy relies on was formerly created or is an illusion of an asset bubble

Pigs are smarter than dogs and have a complex emotional life. Pretty weird.

80/20 is the ideal split.

Ah fair enough

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it cant capitalize on most of it and the wealth it does makes goes to its oligarchs who are just the new kings of our era.

The nightmares you must have from time to time.

(((services))) we all know what that means

First world countries believe service economies to be the future. Manufacturing is old-fashioned and out-of-date.

Clever very clever

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Are you psychopathic? Genuinely curious. I can't see normal people working in such conditions.

Non argument

Quite a few are kept as pets in fact

100% of Russia has no industry.

Pigs are very similar to humans biologically so I'm not surprised.

18 years of hands on learning how to properly do a bris?

The 1990s called. They want their thought back.


Only not an argument if you are cis white trash comrade

The US economy is huge like a Russian bear’s ego.

The average household income in Russia is only about $500 USD per month for a working family. The cost of living in Russia was 40% cheaper than the OECD average before the war, now the cost of living is only 28% cheaper.

The average household income in Detroit, the worst US city, less than 8% white, is $33,000 USD per year.

The hard-working, full time employed Russian cuck will earn 5x less than a minimum wage burger flipper in the US, and the Russian only gets a 28% trash country discount.

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I bet you're psychopathic bud

now do national debt per person.

Marriage is a religious construct
Why demand something you dont believe exists?

We are in NO POSITION to brag about the US$. Jesus fuck. You seem to have overlooked the cost of living. Oh well.

> Are you psychopathic?
It’s really not as bad as propaganda says. IDK where people find the webms and gifs of retched shit but certainly not from any normal slaughter house in the US. Captive bolt stunners do a quick and painless job of dispatching the animal. It’s put on a conveyer and has its throat slit to drain the blood. That’s the worst part certainly gross but not horrifyingly so.

in the kingdom of heaven there will be no death

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The interest on the national debt is 300 billion

That’s only $2,400 per individual taxpayer,not even considering corporate America.

You’re a retard

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Hot tip for you: dint trust your lying senses. Your eyes and ears have betrayed your mental organ.

Beep bop boop