Help me understand liberals

Why do liberals think banning guns will stop school shootings? I’m not asking you to explain why banning guns won’t stop shootings, but I’m asking you to help me understand their viewpoint? Has the thought never occurred to them someone could illegally obtain a firearm or do they have some cope to explain why that wouldn’t happen?
I don’t get it.

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You use what is in picture on such said liberal.

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Classic conservative brain on display. Extreme black and white thinking.

It won’t stop all shootings. It will stop flat out slaughters in our public spaces. It will drastically reduce the death count. And kids might not need bulletproof backpacks while you cry about masking up is an infringement of your rights.

>Why do liberals think banning guns will stop school shootings?
They know they won't. They don't care about school shootings, their goal is to disarm the populace. Look at the liberals in Canada, they did rifles years back now they're on to handguns. We will be too if they have their way.

Because then it's the law! No one will break the law, including mask mandates!

Liberals are NPC's, they don't think at all. They repeat what they see on tw*tter and hear on msnbc verbatim.

It's like a mental form of bulimia. Bing on bullshit opinions and then regurgitate them before you get a chance to actually digest and critically analyse them.

There's nothing to understand. They do as they're told.

>. It will stop flat out slaughters in our public spaces.

I get that you’re a rich kid and probably retarded, but I could buy an AR right now from the local drug dealer. Do you realize that?

>It will stop flat out slaughters in our public spaces.
Classic liberal thinking, just lie about shit. You know this isn't a true statement, VT shooter got a high score using pistols. As soon as rifles are banned the lib talking point will shift to "most murders by far are pistols, they're the real culprits!"

Because they're cattle. They think things just mysteriously go away when you sign a piece of paper. Forget the fact that murder is illegal, we need to sign a law to make WEAPONS illegal! Certainly that'll make weapons disappear! It worked so well to stop murder, right?

They're programmed bots. Nothing more.

>Why do liberals think banning guns will stop school shootings?

They don't. They don't think. As for those who do the thinking for them, they don't give a flying fuck about school shooting,s they just want to disarm you, piece by piece, because they are afraid that you will be shooting them, as you should be doing it for decades now.

Making something illegal makes it more difficult to obtain, therefore reducing its likelihood of being used in a crime.
There are many other things that are difficult to obtain and therefore are very rarely used in crime, such as automatic weapons.

You have to be 18 to post here holy shit son

Neat. Now imagine the black market markup for felony conviction of selling an AR-15 when they’re banned. Think your local illegal weapons dealer is ready to sit on 15 years in a federal pennitentiary for 1000 dollars?

Purely emotional. They are unable to make decisions based on data. It's all about whatever the fad is in the media. That's why they don't really care about restricting driving or enforcing WFH even though it would save countless lives. Guns look scary, cars don't.

Heroin is illegal and probably the easiest thing to obtain in this country you dummy.

>It will drastically reduce the death count.

There's over a billion firearms floating around the country. Have fun finding them all.

>Think your local illegal weapons dealer is ready to sit on 15 years in a federal pennitentiary for 1000 dollars?
Yeah considering criminals are willing to go to jail for that amount of time for selling a similar amount of pot I'd say yes.

It’s like you can’t even read.

It could have all been avoided if you self-regulated and said psychopaths shouldn’t have access to guns. But here we are. About to strip you of your right because you refused to use your right responsibly.

It’s all over but the crying…

If you mean the average person who gets all their opinions from the news or social media, they believe that banning a thing means no one will have it anymore, and no one will do a thing that's against the rules.

Motherfuckers don't even care about going to prison anymore. They view it as a home away from home and it gets them street cred.

price would go up thats all

You mean those laws leftoid prosecutors never charge brown people and leftists with? Seems kind of pointless. Of course, I'm sure you could find other people to charge with violating those laws.

>but I could buy an AR right now from the local drug dealer. Do you realize that?
The people that shoot up schools are social rejects who`d probably think that seeking out and speaking to a drug dealer is is too much of a hassle

That’s funny. It’s like you have no idea how markets work, illegal or not.

Please explain to me how the government has money to go door to door only confiscating REGISTERED guns AND the balls to approach most people's private properties (whom I personally know have hundreds of unregistered)

>It will stop flat out slaughters in our public spaces
Pop quiz!
Was the 9/11 terrorist attack carried out with
a) an arsenal of ARs and AKs
b) a box full of bazookas
c) a crate of chainsaws
d) some dumbasses with box cutters that took over some large air craft and crashed them into their targets
If you answered (d) you might have have at least half a brain. If not....
Next question.
On that fateful day one of the attempted attackers crashed to the ground not reach their target and thus saving some live. How did the passengers stop the terrorists. Was it...
a) an arsenal of ARs and AKs
b) a box full of bazookas
c) a crate of chainsaws
d) brave men with courage who attacked the terrorists with everything they had despite being unarmed
Again, if you answered (d) you may have at least half a brain. If not...

Why not cancel all laws then, since they can be circumvented anyway?

Ok, how does an 18y old incel obtain an automatic weapon then?
Remember he really wants it because it would really up his score
Remember he doesn’t care it’s illegal
Oh shit, he still couldn’t get one! None of them ever managed to. I thought laws didn’t stop criminals yet somehow mass shooters almost never manage to get automatic weapons

Holy shit, you are retarded. What are drugs for $1,000, Alex?

Out of the price range of some high school or college kid from being able to grab one very easily and will consider other options?

Man… let’s do that like yesterday.

They want to ban guns because they hate people who like guns. The 'rational arguments' for all liberal positions are post-facto justifications for doing what gives them the most dopamine. This is why the entire media is built around telling them that they are good people with morally superior positions, even when those positions can be reversed whenever the ruling party chooses.

You are a no gunz faggot. AR-15s aren't "more deadly". Most of the high scores are with shotguns or pistols. Personally, I'd use a shotgun.

Psychopathy. Get a grip.

People who plan to do big crimes will just steal better guns or buy them illegally. If anything, this could cause crime to skyrocket.

>Kid wants to kill people
>Fake calls non-emergency number
>Cop comes out
>Ambush and kill cop
>Take COPS government issued ar-15
>Take handgun
>Take ammo
>Take vest
>Shoot up school


>Make bombs
>Hide in class


>Get one from your friendly FBI glowfag via sponsorship


>Criminals won't turn in guns
>Criminals now have rare guns
>Rare guns skyrocket in price
>Arms dealers now buy and sell like crazy
>Illegal arms market flourish

All this while law abiding citizens no longer can purchase, and become outmatched by both Criminals and the government. We don't need these to have fun, we need them to keep Criminals from getting crazy (Think of when mafia had M1-Thompsons and citizens had jack shit) or more importantly, keeping the government from going full tyrannical. And they will, they don't want our guns to keep us safe they don't give a fuck about us, they want us weak and unable to stand up for ourselves. They want total control and total power, and if you disagree with them you're fucked, and no one can no longer defend you.

>seeking out an illegal character is harder than confronting a redneck boomer cashier at the gun shop for a zoomer with social issues

Didn't you retards just make the argument that school shooters don't care how much it costs after the last one spent like five grand on his rig?

Their “viewpoint” is to take the opinion presented to them by TV, social media, celebrities, college professors, or their equally stupid peers and repeat it ad nauseam without ever thinking about it critically. Like 80% of Any Forums posts.

They don’t need to.

Buy back programs, while service kits vanish from store shelves. Watch them waste away.

WTF is this picrel shit? Airsoft?
Shit looks fake and gay.

I know this is bait but if a guy trained with a sword for a few years he could cut faggots like you +20 if he tried. Banning guns is never the answer, and why would you wanna ban guns when it's all spiraling down? Big think ya fucking goof.

No, that's actual reality. You're on the wrong board to play make believe.

More smoothbrain arguments.
Reducing the violence is bad, eliminating the violence is the only way to solve the issue.

More conservative black and white thinking.

You remember what prohibition did for alcohol? God you people are insufferable.

There are levels of it. For one, ideologically they don't believe in personal responsibility. Everything bad that happens is the result of evil "systems" and Boogeymen. As such they don't believe in being personally responsible for anything - their safety, the creation of new life via unprotected sex, etc. Getting mugged by niggers is something that just happens to you because of systems of oppression causing that black male to act that way instead of being a scientist. Abortions for unwanted pregnancies are just something that happen to you and you shouldn't be held personally accountable for it, etc.

So the idea of being responsible for your safety and the safety of your family, the concept of arming yourself, the idea that the police shouldn't be relied upon as your personal defense force, it's all foreign to them. They can't fathom gun ownership for personal protection.

Since they can't understand that concept they certainly don't understand the idea that governments are not always benevolent and should not or cannot be trusted. Trust in the government to do things for them is core to their philosophy of being unaccountable. So the idea that they would ever in any situation be pushed to the point that they need to shoot their officials and overthrow tyranny is alien as well.

That is the core of their motivation. Beyond that, they falsely treat the symptoms not the illness itself. Someone murdered kids in a school with a gun. It must be because guns are owned! We need to ban guns! Is as logically false as saying "People are fat! This happens because sodas are available! We must ban all sodas!" They're fat because they're unprincipled weak eating machines. That falls under personal responsibility however and is why they reject it.

I think they shouldnt be sold at stores. All these mass shooters start by buying their guns at a store.

I think everyone that already owns a gun already should be left alone.

I used to be pro gun and didnt care if they were sold, but these back to back mass shootings that only this country has is just retarded at this point. I get no one wants to hear this but its true.

americans are retarded and cant remember anything that happened 3 weeks ago, let alone that columbine happened during the assault weapons ban

Look at these countries that have no guns, whenever they go out or want to leave their house they are in constant threat of being stabbed by some shitskin import. You don't want to own a gun? Ok, hopefully the police believe in you as much as you do them you fucking absolute moron cocksucker.

That he was able to legally buy. If he couldn’t go in to a store and buy one, what would he have used? Probably something that doesn’t pop baby heads like water balloons through a cinderblock wall.

And they didn't use assault anything. Shit you could buy at K-Mart back in the day, before demographics and all forced us to where we are now. I remember. You could buy handguns from K-mart yeah I'm in my thirties but it was a better time. You all ruined it for us. One day I'll make you pay for it.

2 FBI psyops changed your mind? Your pineal gland is 100% calcified. Might as well neck yourself.

Naww comrade the new hitler was going to nuke us only 3 months ago. I'm going to keep mine.

I remember what prohibition did for the SKS.

It could have all been avoided if you took responsibility for your rights. And now we have to take your right to own an AR-15 away.

But keep calling for stricter door regulation and policies. That’s always good for a laugh.

Oh, so it's okay if they spend five grand on something illegal, but not something legal. That makes perfect sense.

Just stay inside for the rest of your life faggot.

Your testicular fortitude is as dense as your skull.

Compare murder rates by race in America to murder rates in brown and nigger countries instead of white countries and you will see that it’s not a gun problem, it’s a brown and nigger problem.

I wish we could autoplay songs on chan, this thread needs some limp bizkit IMO

>I remember what prohibition did for the SKS
Increase the price from $200 to $600 dollars? That’s what I remember happening.

Schizophrenia is a treatable condition.

The SKS isn't prohibited. They were extremely popular until you retards made the AR-15 cheap and ubiquitous.

Enjoying your little fake reality are you?

I like how brazil cops deal with criminals. They just blow them away, no questions asked and no inquiries.

Which is half the problem. Prison is neither rehabilitation (lol) or even a deterrent for career criminals. Only law abiding people fear jail because it will literally ruin their life and career, even a very short sentence. Criminals generally do fear armed citizens however, they usually don't want to die.

Even getting shot by the cops isn't as much of a deterrent as it should be, as they likely see it as a lottery ticket and a decent chance of winning big if they can sue the city over some bullshit police brutality claim.

For people who whine about gas lighting constantly, you sure do like to employ it. Or try to. Like everything else, you suck at it.

Well, they point to countries with strict gun control and their apparent lack of shootings as proof that it works. Of course, this requires ignoring the 100s of countries where gun control is an enormous failure.

Overall, if there was a higher barrier to entry to obtaining a gun, you would probably thwart a few of the impulse/sperg/incel shooters who simply don't have the connections or social skills to get a gun illegally. Anyone concretely determined to commit an atrocity with a gun will do it though.

People turn to magic and make up stuff like this because they know their position is indefensible

>Help me understand liberals
They're anti-white. If the policy will hurt whites more than non-whites, they are for it. Simple as.

Leftist activism is performative. It's not meant to actually change anything. It's to signal to others that they have the correct thoughts.

It’s all spiraling down because retarded niggers like you keep trying to enact the Turner diaries.

When you behave like a domestic terrorist, and get arrested as a domestic terrorist, you might be a domestic terrorist and that the government should have put you down like a rabid dog long before you could be a weaponized domestic terrorist.

I'll just buy an AK47 then for my first self defense weapon.

They don’t. They don’t like firearms; therefore, the government should forbid firearms. It’s the most basic childlike worldview in existence and they will attempt to gaslight with x/y/z arguments to justify it.

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All gun control laws are designed to erode the population right to self defense. The goal is to for the government to fully take over with no threat of the citizens fighting back on the laws they would enact. Every place that takes guns away migrates to communism. That's the goal, they want a brutally authoritarian government where half the population starves to death.

a pistol is more deadly imo

If they are committed to buying that weapon, you’re not going to stop them. You just are adding barriers and obstacles and inconveniences of getting access to it. So that they might grab a 9mm hand gun with a lot less lethal force than a .223 long gun. I’m just glad we’re already getting rid of the 308 fury for public consumption.

>Why do liberals think banning guns will stop school shootings?
they don't. their end goal is control, and they don't give a shit about children or whatever else they say. logical consistency is part of the patriarchy as they say