>Rise of the 'Tamagotchi kids': Virtual children that play with you, cuddle you, and even look like you will be commonplace in 50 years

Will our kids (if we manage to have any atl) be having kids in the metaverse Any Forums?



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It's all so tiresome.

I know exactly where that is headed

This makes me legitimately sad in a way nothing posted here has for years

I would rather kill myself or try to gun down the parliament or WEF

shitty bait thread
>What you think /pol?
>So /pol?
>What are you gonna do /pol?
Kys stupid nigger.

probably the only way to address humans basic instincts to reproduce so that the system can control our population
the elites have already decided they are going into the future and we have to be culled so I would guess anything being suggested in the news now is something they are absolutely desperate to roll out

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How is it bait you fucking vaffanculo pasta nigger, I just want people to discuss

better youtube.com/watch?v=rNCUBPkkg5w

just because a heeb (read:white) with billions of shares scattered across literal no-companies of worthless faggot monkey coders let papers he owns even bigger shares in report this as some news because he forgot to pay some glowing faggot niggers to do a another shooting doesn't mean it's actually facts, you're a worthless kike nigger for posting on their behalf

time to stop

Lol what, it's talking about 50 years in the future nigger, obviously it's not possible just yet

Sims 3 already exists.

50 times a day?

fuck off shill

Absolute faggotry, rolling for nuclear winter followed by a Carrington Event, I hope every single one the insufferable evil kikes pushing this degeneracy dies.

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Legal C-c-cunny

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>look at me everybody i'm 20 with the brain of a 12 year old

but only in wh*te countries of course

West doesn't have 50 years. Worry about getting through this year first.

You are a nigger, the way you submitted your question is the most nigger retard ever

No this is retarded and gay and no one cares about the gay retarded faggy metaverse

While eating ze bugs, you could pretend to be eating steak in the Meta.

Pic related was shilling this filth.
>Omg bois, you’re gunna miss out if you don’t jump into the metaverse!!

Attached: 1596E1A3-2CC1-45BF-B685-79F720AB6582.jpg (1446x2048, 277.16K)

Is the metaverse even still a thing?

Fuck off you faggot piece of shit

Me too. I'm glad I'll be dead or in a nursing home posting with you fuckers if free communications still exists, which it almost certainly won't.
Stock up on old books. They'll have trouble confiscating those.