How come shithole countries are always near the equator and how come its always brown colored people...

How come shithole countries are always near the equator and how come its always brown colored people? Is there some evolutionary or geographical reason why any nation whose average skin color is mocha and near the equator is 9 times out of 10, a violent corrupt shithole with an

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Turd worlders mayne you have to wonder why they are so fucking retarded

at least they dont eat doggorinos you filthy chink

western countries learn their stuff from fallen angels

When life is on easy mode (hungry? eat something that grows on this bush without any effort on your part, or catch fish with ease and comfort) it seems to allow the stupider elements to prosper. On the other hand, when you have to be very smart and industrious to survive the winter, that weeds out anyone who is lazy and stupid, and encourages cooperation.

That's not a nice thing to say

Checked and based. This is it.

Europeans fucked them up first. Then communism. Then CIA glowies

Yes, it's about fire and cooking. Humans from near the equator do usually live in the jungle. Which is humid and it is considerably more difficult to start a fire than in the desert or the north.

Cooked Food allows for a bigger brain, the average brain size near the equator is the smallest (apart from nonhumans like abbos).

Besides that, you'll find enough food to eat in the jungle. You don't need to farm or get supplies for the winter or build winter steady homes.

In the desert you need a brain to get enough water, shelter from heat and food. This is why sub-saharan africans are sub-saharan.

Uhm sweetie, correlation is not causation

Show flaps, dago

George Lincoln Rockwell described the concept in his book White Power. He wagered that because it's so much easier to live near the equator the people who live there and never left in the thousands of years of human history have to be the laziest and least inspired people. All the people who left the equator and sought a harder life to live inevitably became smarter and more determined because they were struggling more.

Then where are your Swedish pyramids and colosseums?

your right! its their shit cultural habits that cause them to be fucking awful people

Same reason the Spanish sleep durning the day everyday, you try working in that heat

Italians were well developed, while snow nigger live in mudhuts. Your argument is invalid.

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Where are yours? Because its obvious the things you take credit for were not you
They are worldwide

Where is your toilet mr super power 2020

Egypt and Rome are 26 and 41 degrees respectively above the equator, you stupid, dirty streetshitter

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Women have to go to the toilet in massive groups in your shithole or they could get raped by a poojeet man.

Italy used to be a lot colder. 30,000 years of Ice Age and the cro magnon. remember Rome and Denver are similar latitude. Take away the gulf stream and shit gets chilly.

>geographical reason why any nation whose average skin color is mocha and near the equator

imagine having this kind of intelectual stunting


pajeets might shit in the street but im pretty sure you wont go hungry if you visit one(might be fatally infected but thats another story)