Attached: 1654168442434.png (1200x904, 227.28K)

I agree, both are kiked.

Adolf was literally elected.
>almost certainly a '1 post by this ID' thread
>guaranteed replies
>bait and slide
Okay rabbi. All fields.

There's no thing such as ukraine, it's rightful russian land and ukraine is just an invention on bolshevik fag Lenin

No he wasn't retard. The national party was elected to a majority in their "congress". And then Hitler was appointed chancellor.

Of course Hitler was elected to power. What is this stupid shit that gets repeated over and over again.

Nazi* party. Fuck this phone

'On August 19, 1934, Adolf Hitler, already chancellor, is also elected president of Germany'

Putin is Hitler wannabe, but his excuse of a country can't conquer shit.

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Dont look up how many votes Merkel has got. Never over 50% either. The Nazi party was by far the biggest party.

>muh hitler

>Western media: Putler!
>Any Forums: Heil Hitler! Putin ourguy!
>even though he has Jews behind him

>Russian media: Ukraine is Nazis! Destroy them!
>Any Forums: dats rite kill the Nazis! globohomo jews are behind them



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Now do Biden.

a logical fallacy when only selected evidences are presented in order to persuade the audience to accept a position, the evidence that would go against the position is withheld. The stronger the withheld evidence, the more fallacious the argument.

>the Nazi-communists effect
because every group of people in history is eventually made by humans and every group of humans shares at least one point in common with another group of humans if you use the cherrypicking fallacy above and withheld enough informations you can make an association for every X and Y group and state they are fundamentally the same.
this trick is routinely used in propaganda to associate X with the bad guys.
is literally the explanation of the Godwin's Law.
if you try hard enough have the Satanic order Mother Teresa of Calcutta if you want.

those 10 common points in the OP image apply to 99,9% of all governments that ever existed lol

All fields

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I'm not arguing the fact that Hitler would have won an open election. Or the fact he was the best leader in the last century. Only pointing out that he wasn't elected, he was appointed chancellor by am aging hindenburg who was looking to gain inroads with the increasingly nazi party.

Increasingly popular**. Sorry phone fagging at work

>cлoвo i дiлo
Ukrainian language is a joke.


Attached: putin.jpg (873x1018, 120.38K)

wait, so Putin did nothing wrong?

>Retard doesn't know calling it the national party is little different because it's the nationalist socialist workers party

whenever I see infographics with this globohomo artstyle, I instantly tune out