Start calling it what it is

Whites don't have privilege. They have an advantage. A biological advantage. Privilege implies that things are simply given to them because they are white. No no, white people contribute to society more and live happier lives because they are BIOLOGICALLY advantaged. When you have a mean iq of 115, compared to the mean iq of a darko (80), it makes sense why white people appear to hold a position of power over the masses.

White Advantage

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whites do have the privilege of being born white, the superior race. Women and libshits speak truth to that. Women in fact are the biggest white supremacists on the planet, just look at their dating preferences. Especially asians and shitskins, they consider an average white male dating up, over a chadlite chang. They know subconciously they prefer whites hence the huge overreaction and antiracism and all that horseshit

80 IQ is a generous estimate, I went to a 30% black school district as a kid and almost all but a few I met were borderline retarded, 65 to 75 IQ

>in 2021 there were 0(zero) murders of trans women by white men, there were 380+ murders of black trans women by black men

Makes me think blacks are based and whites are chickenshit sea cucumbers.

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This is true and exactly why jews are superior to whites

Jews are currently being BTFO by whites. You don't even realize it yet because you're too stupid and inbred.

Yes, sending billions every year to protect jews and secure their supremacy is "btfo," to right wing retards

Just like I said, you're too stupid to understand because of your very narrow family tree. I wouldn't expect a kike to understand. You kikes seem to universally lack self awareness.

No one cares what 115 IQlets think about anything

Hey I'm white and I really don't see Jews taking any ls. Only white cities getting gang banged by immigrants and inflation and a war between Jew ruled countries where's whites die...

Wow... Wish I could cope like this... If I make enough money can I be Jewish?

White people(locally born and not transplant yuppies) have been moved out of said cities since the 90's, maybe 96ish. Those idiots who rent closer to the hoods because it's cheap can suffer the consequences for all I care.

The reason that kikes are so permanently and irrevocably inbred is because you were slaughtered down to only a few hundred individuals.

The Ashkenazi all look the same because every single one of you is inbred. Naturally, the smarter members of your Turkish rape baby tribe survived, but everyone hates you, because , well, you're you, so the only option that your ancestors had was to fuck their sisters for multiple generations. That's why your group is so full of genetic disorders like Schizophrenia and Tay Sachs. It's all the inbreeding. Your DNA is breaking apart. Yet, if you mix with anything other than Euros, whom you're sworn to destroy, it makes you even dumber than the inbreeding is naturally ruining your genetics, and it dilutes the kike admix until there's no tribe left at all.

There's no good ending for you guys, it's either by fire or by being raped to death by Arabs and Palestinians after you run out of money. This is all currently underway, and there is no lifeboat or eject button. Just the end. Meanwhile, white racial consciousness is on the rise, and the USA is currently sitting at about 1928 Germany levels of tribe-awareness right now. Things couldn't be better for the white race.

Jews are superior to whites in the sense of cunning and manipulation. It really shows that they are satan's chosen people. They have fully bent the knee of the white man through epic acts of subversion by exploiting the white man's weakness, empathy. However, the jew's weakness (paranoia) will be their downfall, and if the white man ever wakes up from his dream, the kike will be cleansed.

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You aren't white, you're a kikebot, just like . You guys are too stupid to fool anyone. It's embarrassing. You lost your touch.

Jews are not superior in any way to whites. They only lack morals, where whites are good and wholesome, children of God, because whites are the actual Israelites and kikes, well, they're Turkish mystery meat. They have no lineage, unless you want to call "getting raped" a lineage. Their entire claim to fame is simply "winning the race to the bottom of the barrel." They're just willing to do incredible levels of evil to achieve their goals, but that doesn't make people the best, it makes them the worst.

>"i-its over once you run out of money!!"
>*sends billions*
>jews control the economy and narrative and you think we'll run out of money? You dumb snow niggers really don't understand your situation even when we lay it out for you.

A few people in history like Hitler had it right, because even allowing just two of us to survive sealed your fates. We are superior in every way, which is why we get hot leftist women, why we have nicer houses, better jobs, nicer things. But we'll always keep you "Roman," larpers around because we need people to pump our gas and flip our burgers.

You still don't get it. You're supposed to be smarter than this. I'm embarrassed for you.

Explain it, mayo monkey. Explain how we simultaneously run everything but will lose and run out of money? I'll wait.

No, just remember, when it happens, you deserve it. I hope you remember this conversation when the time comes, but you'll probably be too paralyzed by fear.

In just two more weeks, right?

It will take longer than 2 weeks.

Get nened on

Except welcome to clown world faggot. Where up is down. Master race? More like master cuck. You whites come from albinos and forsake your own ancestors like the worlds biggest faggots. You dont even want to be white(albino). You are a potemkin village of larping cowards who dont even have the stomach to accept your mortal mutant chimp existence. I am better than you screams my brother Narcissus. Consumed by vanity. Is that so. Then how come your destiny is to die like a nigger, mortal simian. How come despite all your worship of a color, your destiny is to have the brown mud you despise, consume your rotting chimp flesh. How come youre gonna return to that brown earth you came from pink chimp. Come and seethe polcels. Im here to tear down all your lies for petty amusement and laugh in your faces. You phonies who built this artificial monkey matrix just to cope with who and what you are. Subhuman, Shitskin. Pure Projection.

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