Any Forums humor thread

PRIDE month edition

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Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your “pol humor” threads.
Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins will ever be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it hosers.

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why chicken cross road
get other side

This, poltards are insecure

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Why would one be mad by being rejected by a tranny?
You guys will never be a women nor are you attractive.


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Cope and seethe

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When I see conservatives I see cowards
>Afraid of change
>Afraid of people different than them
>Afraid of taking personal responsibility rather than take credit for the achievements of strangers

Trans folk on the other hand:
>Have the courage to come out knowing people will stare
>Have the courage to be who they are knowing they will be hated
>Have the courage to chemically/physically alter their body knowing that as scary as the proccess may be the end result will be glorious
>Have the courage, in the case of trans men with full penile implants, to literally let their baby burst through their penis after coming out of the birth canal

If courage is a virtue transgendered people are more virtuous than 99% of conservatives.

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Trans folks also have courage to hang themselves

Trannies are literally the height of being an incel. Literally mutiliating themselves for the slightest chance of having sex.

Usually a man can at least cope and become a faggot. Plenty of old men would want to fuck twinks.

What kind of cope is this?

My mannerisms, appearance and legal documents says otherwise

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Means shit. You're still at a fundamental level playing dress up. Face facts you're not normal. John money was a paedophile just like you.


What don't you leftist morons still not get about memes not being novels. Unless this was posted ironically. In which case you're good.

I know this has been said in jest many times, because it was never really true until now. Have you guys noticed how they have made every month something? Last month was pacific islanders month, and they had to get sand niggers on the commercials on TV to talk about it, because there are so few pacific islanders that do anything important.
Not only that, but I'm using a non activated version of Windows, so I can't adjust any personal settings, so now at the bottom of my desktop there's a little area that talks about what special nigger DAY it is. I mouse over it the other night, and it was AFRICA DAY and I'm pretty sure I saw one that just said
Once. This shit is working, I've almost just given up.

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Have you argued with a real liberal over text? I was doing it yesterday, and I got a fucking novel for every sentence I wrote.
Their views are so simple and obvious that they need a fucking book to explain how paying more taxes is somehow fighting racism, or whatever other dumb idea they were told to care about.


Lol you have multiple vpns to avoid a ban.

Look a retarded faggot.

You failed to recognize the Leaf's copypasta

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This is satire, right? Because literally no one (on either side) talks like that.

I want to publicly behead trannies too, but at least make the dialog believable.

>giving liberals the time of day
ngmi m8

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you aren't this new

im pretty happy for that guy
he woke up from being a troon and fixed himself up
i hope hes truly happy now

what's there to be proud of?