And I started liking him.

(Meltdown of WFH vs WFO in comments)


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He knows a massive economic collapse is on the horizon and is just prepping for layoffs.

based elon based comments. when i worked from home i watched so much TV and drank on the job every day. I was much more productive in the office even though I hated the commute. I dont believe anyone who says they are more productive from home

This is 100% factual

It's not about productivity, it's about cucking your employer as much as possible.

Hey guys, I know I am seeing a lot of back-and-forth on this topic, but I really need to push back and raise some red flags here. Having an on-site office presence is foundational to our ability to drive efficiencies in a corporate landscape. It's in our DNA. Sure, there is no one size fits all or silver bullet. Remote is only keeping us at a 30,000-foot-view of things. Being on-site, however, allows us to get better granularity, find better directional-indicators or loop back and dive deep into some critical issues on a go-forward basis.

I think if you all start spending more time in the office again, you'll find yourself trending toward the positive, but you'll have to keep an eye on the puck. Gut through it, reduce thrash, and let's stay in lock-step on this. Yes, we will synergize! I think given that we've been remote for so long it's easy to forget the benefits of working in the office.

What's the root cause of the hatred of corporate office spaces? Putting my layman's hat on and guess that it comes from movies such as Office Space and Dilbert cartoons. But we all know that these are fictional spaces, and real office spaces allow us to touch base in a much more efficient manner.

I have to time-box this comment, as I have a hard-stop in a moment when I will have to jump onto a call. So, just one more point that I want to cover-off on: let's socialize the idea of having more office presence and loop back to see whether we're being more impactful. From a management standpoint, I think that we can get the traction to do it.

So, net/net, ignore the naysayers, sidebar the folks that are stuck in the weeds, and don't waste cycles or bandwidth on folks that don't align strongly with this mission.

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Actually catering to Millennials is the only way forward now because we somehow managed to represent the majority of the work base.

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i thought this was a shitty call before reading this.

i never got to "remote in" during covid; and most of the lower / middle classes didn't either. most of musk's employees are considered the "elite" they have high level degrees and earn $100k+/year.

All musk is saying is that if Jimbob in kentucky has to take his ass to the factory; then some lazy fucking female HR rep can take her fat ass to the office instead of "taking care of her kids" and dealing with "medical problems".

try that shit in a factory and you'll just be fired.
remote work was only ever a privilege of the elite.

Fuck him and his assault rifle ban.

Nice forced copypasta faggot.

WEF study suggests around 80% productivity.[1]
For the employer its probably still worth it because of reduced building expenses and reduced commute subsidies, etc.
No to mention commuting is HORRIBLE for the environment.

[1] weforum.org/agenda/2022/03/productivity-dynamics-of-working-from-home

Being stuck in the office while managers go fucking about is not my ideal way of spending my life. Fuck your productivity, it's not going to make me richer. I'd rather stay at home and work a side hustle as well.

the guy working the cash register at your local gas station doesn't give a fuck faggot
take your ass to work you don't even deserve minimum wage

Fucking Amber Turd forces him to pay $8 million and all Tesla employees now have to work overtime.

corpo speak is so fucking gay

i want to anhero reading this

If that is even real, not like he can repeal the bill of rights. If he tries, he can float around with the spy sats he sent up for ukraine.

>wake up a bit later
>finish work as fast as possible
>be free
Total WFH time: 2.5 hours

>wake up early as fuck
>commute and waste time
>commute and waste gas money
>arrive at the office, coffee break
>smoke, talk with peers
>work for 5 mins, get interrupted
>water break, talk with peers
>toilet break
>work for 10 mins, get interrupted by useless convo with team members
>lunch is here! (Lunch break poggies)
>coffee break
>useless team meeting which could have been an email. jpeg
>smoke break
>useless convos with peers
>work for 5 minutes
>get interrupted
>commute home and waste time and money
Total WFO work time: 20 mins

40 hours per week is a hilariously low number, and if you occupy anything other than worker peasant retard laborer and you don't work 40+ hours your boss is a retard

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We (goyims) actually need to live off the products of our labor, kike-fren.

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are jews being forced back to work in isreal?

Why do news articles always try to choose pictures for articles that they think fits the headline? The drama is tiresome and I see this sort of thing all the time.

WFHwagies are so cancer, if you don't want to adhere to the rules of your employer then find another job

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>consensus cracking
your really are evil - the stain that does not wash off after death

WFO is better

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most often i see whining about this are generally unattractive looking people like programmers who are more comfortable when no-one else sees them

but that not how normal human beings are. i enjoy being at the office and ppl are always very nice to me


I like it.
Think it's bretty good parody

Own a business. Tell employees you PAY what to do.

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>tells execs to do their job
Noooo, workers rights! How can he do that! Nooo!

What a fucking parasite, phrasing it like he built tesla from the ground up lmao

Maybe we shouldn't be slaves any longer? Sure we shouldn't lounge around not doing anything but given the current state of the world can you blame people for taking some of their time back?

Yeah, the WEF are for sure the good guys. Neck yourself.

Not in hightech

Sounds like a good reason to not hire kikes. You wouldn't make it at Tesla.

i can toss a rock in any room and fuck whoever it hits and i still hate leaving my house but i'm sure your anecdotes matter to someone somewhere

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Elon the Hittite is a glownigger

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>can float around with the spy sats he sent up for ukraine.
Does it hurt you Russians that Ukrainians use Starlink? What about your Russian PЭБ?

>be a zoomer
>resent millenials
>get labeled "post" millenial
gg no re

My gay company won’t let purebloods into the office

Stop simping for someone who will never care that you exist you fucking turd

>pretend to work somewhere else
so are they all pretending working in tesla? must be a façade for the shareholders.

Anyone good can simply get another job at a company that allows WFH, while the office anchors will be stuck there. Eventually office only companies will be stuck with the scraps, two teired system where the ones who can't cut it take the wagie slog into the office while the chads who kill it work comfy from home while getting another 8 hours per week of life back not stuck in traffic.

I've been working from home for over 2 years now and it's been amazing.
So amazing that it's become a dealbreaker when finding a new job.
Want me to partially be present at the office? You can partially put my dick in your mouth.


What's your job?

Ok nigger. I need a job. what, afraid of able body americans that are not afraid of driving 15 mins to work?

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Meanwhile Israel is at the top of the global High Tech sector

Absolutely, I would never be able to focus on my job if I were trying to work from home. If I'm 'at the office' the most I'd do to slack off would be listening to the radio or a podcast while I work, but it wouldn't be blatant procrastination like is guaranteed to happen at home.
That being said, this guy is also right, so long as you're working for some kind of corporation. They deserve as much wasted productivity as you can give them.

We just stopped using your milspec comms in our army because you were selling the data to China you fucking disgusting heeb. Once you factor in risk, Osrael isn't shit.

Working from home is much better, but then again I am the business owner and answerable to noone.

So fuck you all.