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Where's the dickball? This is clearly not an original laineytoss and is likely one of the left-wing snowflakes who mocks her style to shill their keked SJW ideology.

t. ben garrison

She's either seething about reality, or shilling for sex toys.
That wall really crept up on her fast, didn't it.

old women with no eggs and no will to work are useless eaters in society;


God I hate this stupid anti-white liberal bitch

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Women only have value as mothers. Eventually they are invisible because they have zero value sexually. Especially with ED medication, men with money and resources can always fuck younger pretty women.

So she has enough self-awareness to acknowledge that the wall is real, but in typical female fashion, still blaims men for not adjusting their preferences to accomodate old women past their prime.

> obligatory

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Reminds me of the time when I told middle age female coworkers "I can tell you used to be pretty"

She's correct about this one, but, I mean, I'll just ask it - literally who cares?

I know damn well that no women give a fuck about young and/or poor and/or ugly males. But I'm supposed to care about females who at least were sexually valuable at one point and had their run? Fuck off. The majority of males are never sexually valuable.

Never mind the men that go their whole lives being "invisible."

I hate women.

So women are sheep incapable of self worth? Imagine being so self absorbed by your appearance it that it becomes the only thing that defines you.
Like imagine whinging that people found you attractive for 30 years but now your old you should still be the centre of attention.

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Imagine saying this to every woman in your ancestry. You must be black.

Pic related.

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Wait until this bitch finds out that women can go to work and also be mothers.

what do you expect from someone who blames their absent father
j e j

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Seriously why do leftists always do this

They draw the negress as a feminine role model

And they draw fucking white women as degenerate fucking animals


Why why why

Are they actually conditioned to do this? Are they aware of this? lmao

What I got from this.
>Boo hoo I can't cruise on my looks for my entire life

posted this last lainy fread

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Theyre actually obsessed with making white people look degenerate and ugly

While making black nigger look attractive, more so than they actually are in reality

What is this lmao, is it media conditioning? Do they think theyre being fair? Do they do this on purpose or not?

It’s called projection they can’t use history or statistics to make blacks seem human so the create fictional places where blacks can br everything they desperately want them to be

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I don't get it


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This one made her cry

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Gonna need a cyber demon, in fact ney, gonna need all the doom monsters reskinned stat

So let me get this straight
>I want to live out my over privileged youth without consquences or building anything
>now I want to be valued as an elder despite having built nothing and I don't plan to change my attitude or entitlement
>AND having to earn my place like a man is basically the end of the world
It's like an NPC almost grasping sapience, but far too bogged by their self importance and entitlement to ever truly achieve it. You've had an entire life of privilege and being valued to build something for yourself, hell, as a woman, you don't even have to. You just have to attach yourself to a man that did. But, apparently that's asking too much, and you must be given Chad dick and simp resources forever without ever giving anything in return, or even being thankful for it. I honestly think she truly believes that the mere existence of women is their gift back to all the shit they cause and demand.