The truth about open borders and racemixing

Many people on the left anticipate a future where white countries are brown because of open borders and racemixing causing recessive white traits to get covered up. They're mistaken.

Dominant traits dilute quickly if they are separated from each other. For example, if a "dominant" pure brown eye mixes with a "recessive" blue eye, the pure brown eye gets turned into a buckbroken carrier and can even be prevented from going back to pure.

Technically, the way to separate dominant traits from each other is to have them mix with recessive traits instead. Now that just sounds like racemixing. That's because racemixing is not a proper tool against white people. The only true advantage over white people is the sheer number of nonwhites, which leads to the final point.

Every day, more and more nonwhites wish to become part-white and are avoiding "dominant" traits as a result. It's seen as desirable to be mixed and have visible European features. Instead of sticking with other dominant treats, they're separating and becoming what they really want.

The chad recessive wins

Attached: sup recessive bitch.jpg (500x500, 59.85K)

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Nice cope.

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>Many people on the left anticipate a future where white countries are brown because of open borders and racemixing causing recessive white traits to get covered up.
What do they imagine a majority non-white America looks like? The thought of it is rather terrifying.


They don't think ahead or independently. Only wealthy Jews seem to be planning ahead. I don't know what benefit they see in it, though; other than destroying the genetic purity of Europeans, which is not a benefit at all. Just seems like cultish, petty, jealous, destructive hatred, to me.

>That's because racemixing is not a proper tool against white people.

Racemixing is not a proper tool against Jewish people in Israel, kike

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Dominant and recessive genes are complete horeshit that are only used as general teaching tools to incredibly oversimplify our utter lack of understanding on how genes actually work. We don't know why or how the shit that happens at the genetic level happens, and there are interactipns happening every moment that would be impossible with the dominant and recessive mindset.

Bot thread

the math doesn't add up to brown eyes being "dominant" anyway. it's literally brown eyed parent + non brown eyed parent = 50% chance the child will not have brown eyes.

Just wear contact lenses seething spic. No you will never be white, also whiteness isn't muh blue eyes or muh blonde hair. Darkest gorilla nigger southern European is far far more related to a Scandinavian than a blue eyed mongol.

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>A mamzer shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.
>The third generation of children born to them may enter the assembly of the LORD.

This is the latest psyop is it? Trouble is, they will have shit coloured skin.

whatever, keep the nigger and sandniggers out of europe

Thats cute and all but white people come from albinism and forsake their own ancestors for hubris like a potemkin village of larping chimpanzee cowards too cucked by pride to accept who they are, and how they got here.

Attached: indian albino child.jpg (660x689, 101.5K)

Nobody wants to be white(albino) not even white people. You guys created an artificial matrix in which to this day, you still cant cope with your own mutant mortal chimp reality.

B-But we dont wanna come from the albino!! Cheddarman!? Debonked!


Attached: kamna albino.jpg (2400x1401, 209.24K)

are you retarded?

supply and demand, fellow mutt
the less scarce white traits are out there the more valuable they become
if you are white and have a white wife with own children you should be happy there will be less whites around; future value on dating market of your kids will go up thanks to their race alone

>the less scarce
the more scarce*
what a brainfart

>happy there will be less whites around;
Are you fucking insane?

just imagine you're the last white man on earth
you'd have a multiple gang of female semen thieving ninjas chasing after you

Take your meds nigger.

My gf has brown eyes, I have blue. Our kid has blue, ez win

You need to go look at vitamin D effects on health, skin colour and amount of light depending on where you live - the first part is why you are lied to about the rest.
"dominant" lol