Any Forums book club

What have you been reading lately, Any Forums?

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the bible. wanna get the curse of canaan eventually

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Bros... it's... changed me.

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Vaclav Havel's 'power of the powerless'

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world as will and representation

Couple of physicals I picked up. Reading Fukuyama, these two, and some Arabic manuscripts from U of Chicago's archive

Sorry for people who can't read mirror; fuck machine learning AI

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And Yuval Harari's dataism manifesto 'Homo Deus'

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Last time I did a book club thread it got to about a hundred posts before someone said the bible and it was disheartening. Blessed cunt

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I’m actually reading Fukuyama’s new book Liberalism and its Discontents. Obviously he’s a pathetic liberal shill but he still has a solid grasp of what’s wrong with the world today and why liberalism is declining. His stature also makes him kind of an insider source in my eyes so he’s worth reading.

changed my life too

Fukuyama is boring, but Huntington's 'The Crisis of Democracy' from the 1970's is GOAT

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Here's the arab shit. It's got some translations of one of the secret Druze holy books. I just have a pdf of this. It's dry, like the desert. :/

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Bit of The Bible, not far in and I am a fairly slow reader when it comes to some books, this included. I want to change myself for the better and the existential threat of Hell is not something I want to risk. I hope I can do all that it takes to avoid that. Aside from that, easypeasymethod cause I've been a degenerate and I want to rid my life of perversions, and I bought Logos Rising, The Jewish Revelutionary Spirit, and Libido Dominandi.

damm dude. but nice bookshelf

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a history of central banking and the enslavement of mankind.
quite a good read, names jews often, written by a professional historian and former banker.

Fukuyama is boring and then also was wrong in his prediction, so in that sense he's got a lot in common with Marx, despite being a liberal-democrat. I'm reading it for the context; he gets brought up by other authors outside of his sphere. Thanks for the recommendation, though. That book looks interesting because of the economic zeitgeist of the time, Nixon declaring our imaginary money to be real money, De Gaulle fucking up ous fractional reserving. Shit, most of the 20th century was a war AGAINST gold fought with not only our people but with the entire world.

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>the curse of canaan
Has anyone read this book?

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Fall of Jerusalem. Gonna have a repeat here in a minute.

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bump. Everyone's busy reading

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Gotta read those pathetic liberal shills to understand the whole picture. It's unpleasant, like recommending to anyone on the right read Das Kapital or telling people on the left to read Heidegger