I can't bear to see this autistic kike walking around in a sweatshirt anymore

Everybody knows he does this to impress some whore in the west, nobody thinks he ain't got 30 seconds to put on a fuckin suit , let it stop please god

Attached: Screen-Shot-2022-06-01-at-7.20.01-AM.png (460x350, 234.76K)

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I'm with you on this. You know it's all gone to shit when not even world leaders dress properly.

thank fren

Kek glad it wasn’t only me, thought I was being autistic about it.

If you’re going to represent Ukraine then dress with respect

Why does the west get such shitty, soulless drones as leaders?

Attached: 1638992440562.jpg (857x1024, 106.51K)

he looks like a tranny

His country is in a state of war. Fuck the suits you neoliberal bootlicker homosexuals.

Slava Russia!

How else is he going to larp like he's on the frontlines?

Attached: 1647956662345.jpg (1440x960, 142.5K)

Suck harder uke! Russia won, now the question is how much will they win? The longer ZBoy delays consessions the more Russia get!

>MOGGED by short legged gnome Sanna


I never knew how much of a manlet he is. What a goof.

Polos are semi casual. Zelensky is a total failure.

Hard faggot vibes radiating from your post.

He is also not a woman.

Nope, I'm just for cheap gas and food. Russia winning makes this happen. The ukraine is a charity case of retards.

Its crazy how lovable they seem. His wife takes photos where she looks as hot snd WASPy as Invanka


Seriously. They're like an arabic 90's TV family waging war to save their lives and their country. Pretty based.

if our president started showing up in a t shirt then I know we've already lost the war

I would watch that sitcom

>His country is in a state of war.
Should he stop shaving and cutting his fingernails? Maybe its time to stop brushing teeth.

It isn't a polo. It's a short sleeved combat shirt. He's LARPing like he's on the front lines.

hee look at him he's almost as tiny as that tiny woman.

He has wide hips.