Let us make ourselves a name

im sick of conservative, altright, rightwinger, trump supporter etc etc

Our party is the Jubilee Party
We are Jubiliers
We stand for freedom economically, mentally and spiritually

Adopt this before that create another friendly fire label for us

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Can’t spell jubilee without jew

yet jubilee and jew is an oxymoron

It's the Year of the Chud, man. Didn't you get the memo?

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>We are Jubiliers
sounds gay af fr

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How about the Bean Eaters? Eh?
It could have a double meaning. On one hand it could mean that we eat Mexicans or something. But it could also mean that we eat a lot of beans, and thus eat a lot of fiber. Which then in turn means that we love to shit

its quite innovative, in that it isnt an ism

GayJewsNetwork... Try and mock that you normie bastards.
Someone make it a website and just put 'expert says' Infront of our local schizo rants and publish it

>We are Jubiliers
The Cringe Faggot Nobodies has a better ring than this you absolute dud

Chudbuds just keep on winning.

could have gone with
niggers destroyee

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"The New Pride Movement"?

New White American Pride Movement?

You know how niggers say "February is nigger history month. When's White history month? all the 11 other months?"

Then we can claim Pride for ourself.

Jubilee is a jewish holiday. Do you into dictionary bro?

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only if you dont know the history of what a jubilee was historically
still, its not an ism which has become so despised lately

also its a perfect terminology for worldwide adoptance.

Lets call ourselves the niggers party so the media can't talk shit about us without saying the nigger word.

i like chud. every time some faggot calls me a chud it reminds me of how good and proper i am

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The Nigtonguhmuanus Party

Only on the shmita.

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it was a year that all debts were forgiven and all property returned.
its not a matter of jews, its a matter of principle

pride is a vice
call pride for what it is, decadent degeneracy for people lacking in virtue
the virtue opposite to pride, is humility

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Principal of jews in relation to jews. Hard pass.

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ayo this nigga really naming himself after a mufuggin bee LMAO

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