I've been looking at the ingredients for all the food I've eaten for decades and realized that even the stuff you'd...

I've been looking at the ingredients for all the food I've eaten for decades and realized that even the stuff you'd think is healthy is full of xanthum gum, maltodextrin, sucralose, corn syrup, all kinds of gnarly shit. How big of a contributor is this to how fucked up everyone is becoming? Is there any long term studies/evidence about this kind of stuff or have companies just recently started using all of these chemicals and we are the lab rats?

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No one cares you stupid fucking kike

>we are the lab rats?
yes, we are an experiment. genetic modification on a massive scale.They are purposefully and actively introducing hormones and bioaccumulating neurotoxins into the water supply, injecting people with gene altering substances and feeding genetically modified food and bred to be the best slave race possible.

Youve made an important discovery. American food is largely poison. It's not like this in europe. It's expensive to eat decent food.

Fight Club is an allegory for gay sex.

I was raised by my father after my mother gave up on being one

Attached: sugar dees.jpg (474x421, 56.92K)

so are you

Eat a God damn banana

thats anti-aspartame not really sugar
most of that stuff is harmless simple google search

Xanthem gum works better than cornstarch. You use significantly less too

We're not raised by women.

If the parents lock you in your room with the Internet, you are raised by the internet and not the parents.

The internet is the biggest Library in Human History.

The Boomers messed up another one - they say if you use the internet too much. You're addicted.

What happened to people that were at the Library all day during the Boomers? "Addiction"? Same formula? Or did they just call them nerds because they didn't undernstand them.

Well. That makes sense why they call the Internet Users addict, in retrospect. Zero understanding.

The sugar alternative? your autism is showing

Attached: dees market.jpg (1309x1164, 299.51K)


The phrase "you are what you eat" is severely underrated, why do you think people are so mentally ill nowadays? The average goy diet rots your body, mind and soul, your personality nd manners relly heavily on your hormonal balance, what you see nowadays are people with high estrogen, high serotonin and low thyroid

Stick with fruits, dairy, red meat, eggs. Starches are usually bad as it increases endotoxins, but well cooked potatoes are ok, avoid seed oils.


What’s msg, please ?

Honey. Honey is good.

local honey is best

Attached: indoor bee keeper.png (1146x758, 698.12K)

Beautiful !!
What’s the origin of that picture ? What is the advantage to have the hive in an heated indoor ? How the beekeeper open the hive occasionnelle without having that much bees in your house
And what is msg ?

It's a sodium salt of glutamic acid, which is an amino acid. Meat and tomatoes have it naturally.

Pic related is the good raw honey, all I know is the jew fears the indoor beekeeper

Attached: raw honey.jpg (490x367, 33.59K)

Woaw ! That honey is Wonderful ! Yummy yummy , i wanna taste some !

So, how are u eating, broanon ? What’s your diet ? How do u avoid shit in supermarket ?

Vegetable oils turn you into a vegetable as you age.
Alzheimer's, dementia.
Use lard, cow fat and butter.
Saturated trans fat is the reason for our abnormally high life expectancy in comparison to our relatively small physical size.

You asked for source:

Have you ever seen mold growing on anything with aspartame?

don't eat anything with ingredients lists

>Saturated trans fat
Kinda wild how hard they went against it in the last 20 years.

The only healthy food is what you grow yourself

there are a few kinds of trans fats, some occur naturally like in dairy which are good for you, and others don't and give you heart diseases
the fact that there's no distinction between the two for consumer labeling is baffling

Most of the stuff you listed and what's in food products isn't harmful. At least not in small quantities. This doesn't mean that you should ingest it. Avoid processed foods in general and cook for yourself. When cooking you will also encounter bad shit such as oils etc. but those are faaaaaaaaar less unhealthy than anything processed.

The main things you should always avoid at any cost:
>hardened fats - they are literally the most dangerous thing in the world in terms of edibles. they're banned in a lot of countries already. Avoid anything where it says hardened or partially hardened fats.

>excess sugar - the insane amounts of sugar (especially crystal sugar) in processed foods are the main cause of creating environments for cancer and many other illnesses

>anything GMO - same reason as above

>any artificial sweeteners - especially stuff like aspartame - they can remain in your body tissue for virtually the rest of your life and nobody knows what they can cause

>aluminum, aluminum derivatives and heavy metals - they're mainly in stuff like toothpaste and deodorants

Why GMOs? I can understand antibiotic additives, because it fucks with your digestive system and antibiotics breed stronger bacteria, but do GMOs have hormone concentrations not present in non-GMO food? Legally they apparently have to prove they don't, but the FDA is not really on the ball most of the time, so it wouldn't surprise me.

This. Learn how to cook.

How do I get a healthy toothpaste?