We're are living paycheck to paycheck!

>We're are living paycheck to paycheck!
What the fuck are young Americans doing with their money?

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onlyfans, iphone on lease payments, and college debt?

>Baby Boomer tuition
>Easily paid off with a Summer job
>Millennial tuition
>Paid off a decade later
I don't know.

you don't understand i need those 26 subscriptions to apps and websites and to buy funko figurines and a starbucks frappadaccino

>I spent 250,000 dollars to get a degree in art work
>Its the boomer's fault

>What the fuck are young Americans doing with their money?

student loans, and expensive housing loans

>high earner

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>Its the boomer's fault
Quite literally, even a shitty degree like that shouldn't be 10% of that cost.

Tattoos and weed lmao

lifestyles expand to fit the budget alloted

Lol, you don't care about the working class. You're just fucking greedy.
Both things that are literally their own fault. Too to buy cheaper housing or rent. Too stupid waste so much money on a fucking piece of paper. Fuck young people.

Wasting on stupid shit, though I can't imagine what. I make 150k after taxes and spend less than 40k of it, and I buy whatever I want

How much does the average person spend on subscription services?
$273 per month
The average consumer surveyed said they spend $273 per month on subscription services, up from $237 in 2018. This extra 15% equals an additional $430 spent each year."

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You will live in ze pod
You will eat ze bugs
You will own ze nothing and be ze happy.

Or else.

What about gen x?

The percentages would be closer if this was properly normalized for housing costs.

Currently a young high earner would be paying much higher on average for similar housing as an older high earner mainly due to market timing.

They might bring things within 20-25% pts, but does it account for the wastefulness and binge spending millennials participate in.

I make 60k, supporting a wife and children and I don't even live paycheck to paycheck. I've got 6 figures in my accounts. Lol.

fucking oath; I can always spend my stonks on tools

good question, since none of them can drive and don't pay for cars or insurance
funko dolls and monthly subscriptions to dumb shit?

thats cos your wife whores her self out to tyrone cuck

Guns and ammo mostly. Also holsters and mag pouches. Match fees. Reloading components...etc.

>not taking into account where they live
Some places are really expensive to live in

Faggot, you stole my thread. No one replied to my same thread

No way

That's called "natural selection." I make 6 digits without ever going to college. I also bought my house with cash while living in in a shitty one bedroom apartment for $400 per month for a couple years.

If you're unable to delay gratification, that's your fault, not the system's.

How about no, you manlet virgin.

don't tell me you took the self improvement pill and are trying to get your life together. for what future exactly? copium. just be degen neet and sit in ur apt all day while wageslaves cry and work their ass of, and get cheated on by their ungrateful gfs prostituting themselves on snapchat.

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I spend ~2.50 per month. Youtube Premium with a VPN (which comes with Youtube Music Premium). Paid with a credit card that gives 2% cash back.

I also have HBO Max, but that is free with my cell phone plan.

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is this how bald, stupid, fat, bloated boomer neets in america are born?

>Muh boomer
>Muh zoomer
It's the jews, that created the federal reserve and printed your money to oblivion, you faggots. Stop fighting each other and start opening some camps to put the bankers and journalists in.

stop trying to convince goyim that the sky is up and the ground is down. Goyim are gonna goy.

>What the fuck are young Americans doing with their money?

Rent. Most of the really high paying jobs require you to work in a city where half your pay goes to paying Mr. Shekelberg's rent.

Those boomers own homes.

I keep seeing figures like this, but I really find it hard to believe.
I'd like to see how the question is phrased. If they dump a big piece of their money into some sort of investment and only have little free cash at the end, I don't really consider that living paycheck to paycheck.

Credit trap, nigger.
Once you're stuck in the cycle of usury, you'll never be free.