Why does the federal government keep refusing to constitutionally regulate the "well regulated militia"...

Why does the federal government keep refusing to constitutionally regulate the "well regulated militia"? Enough is enough. These nut cases are a public safety threat.

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All of these statements are false

Regulated means equipped, U.S. v. Miller

Idk. Obviously can't be well regulated unless we all have firearms with compatible ammunition. We really need a publicly funded program to provide all able bodied Americans with a decent rifle and range time.

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I don't know man. Democrats don't buy their guns.

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Is it even that common for gun owners to own more than 1 weapon? Sounds like made up shit.

Cool. Pass an amendment to the constitution then

I like how this comic completely avoids the percentage of nigger "owned" firearms.

>The militia required to keep the government in check needs to be regulated by the government
Let me guess, you're not a glowie, bot, or shill, right? Just a concerned fellow right winger.

horsey dump thread?

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If it doesn't fit the narrative, it's ignored

hitler made it easier for ethnic germans to procure firearms

>democrats are bald nigger mutts

“Well-regulated” means operational or in good working order. The militia is not a standing military force but the entire people capable of bearing arms.
You know all of this because you’ve made the same fucking thread with the same debunked talking points dozens of times this week. But you’ll ignore the truth and keep peddling discredited lies because you are a shill. Shall not be infringed. Nigger.

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>Democrats avoid guns

>Der Chuden: "Ackshually, it's not clip it's magazine. Heh."

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It's so cringe when Americans think them owning guns is the reason why the government doesn't pass "strict" or "tyrannical" laws. Uhh the government passes strict laws all the damn time. You owning a gun does absolutely nothing to keep the government in check. Nothing. America has the highest prison population on the planet. Private citizens owning guns has no effect on what the government does. The government is gonna do what's it's gonna do. Do you actually think lawmakers say "Hey we can't pass that law because people own guns". No. The real reason the government hasn't taken away your guns yet is because the NRA and gun manufacturers keep bribing Republican lawmakers. Not because they're "scared" of the resistance you would put up. Despite what you think no you don't actually play some important "role" in society. You're just annoying little flies.

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How fat is the guy who draws these lmfao.

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>Uhh the government passes strict laws all the damn time
Obviously a reasonable person would start with country to country comparisons. Did you see the Covid concentration camps in Australia?
Spanish and Italians weren't allowed to exercise. 24 hour curfews for all people besides commuters. Licenses to leave the neighborhood. Restricted shopping days.
This is the least persuasive post I've ever seen. Logic isn't on your side, just stick to ridicule like your comrades.

A well armed white man is the nightmare of the psychopathic SJW and the covetous jew.