Let's guess where the next shooting is

I think it's coming west to a state like Utah
That and probably right before the senate comes back from break for maximum pressure on GOP

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I think the next one is going be during sodomite pride week. Maybe it will be another aids club or a parade/march. Gays and niggers, americas two false gods being touched, the perfect excuse to take our guns.


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One of them will be a jew. A gay jew maybe.

Maybe it will be a gay jewish nigger.

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And you'll claim you never wished for it

Ill celebrate if a bunch of homos or Christ-rejecting Jews get killed.

Jussy smolett confirmed target.

From Buffalo News:

Law enforcement officers are investigating whether a retired federal agent had about 30 minutes advance notice of a white supremacist's plans to murder Black people at a Buffalo supermarket, two law enforcement officials told The Buffalo News.

Authorities believe the former agent– believed to be from Texas – was one of at least six individuals who regularly communicated with accused gunman Payton Gendron in an online chat room where racist hatred was discussed, the two officials said.

The two law enforcement sources with direct knowledge of the investigation stated these individuals were invited by Gendron to read about his mass shooting plans and the target location about 30 minutes before Gendronkilled 10 people at Tops Markets on Jefferson Avenueon May 14.

The News could not determine if the retired agent accepted the invitation.

Payton Gendron, 18, from outside Binghamton, appears at a felony hearing May 19 before Buffalo City Court Chief Judge Craig D. Hannah in the Erie County Courthouse. Derek Gee/Buffalo News

“These were like-minded people who used this chat group to talk about their shared interests in racial hatred, replacement theory and hatred of anyone who is Jewish, a person of color or not of European ancestry,” said one of the two law enforcement officials with close knowledge of the investigation. “What is especially upsetting is that these six people received advanced notice of the Buffalo shooting, about 30 minutes before it happened.

I'm guessing a "purple" state that is at high risk of going permanantly "red" like PA, MI, or WI

Or Arizona

Either az or georgia.

no, these things always happen in blue areas

Because they stay with Lucifer where they can't be saved?
Typical satanist

Tenesee is red, ditto Texas

Or a blue area in a red state like TX

They still have blue counties, which is were the shootings happen.

blue areas within red states

Ok there’s no fucking way this guy had a fucking jersey for “Ulvade” in his closet social media and it’s consequences have been an absolute disaster for society

>It's blue for queers, red for steers

Are we counting places like Chicago where this happens every weekend? If so, that's my guess.