Gay sex

>transmits infections and diseases
>nearly all religion are against it
Why should i support it?

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It makes people happy

You shouldn’t

Shabbat Shalom

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Because you're jewish

Imagine the smell

It's true, the same with all anal sex too even between men and women.

But just wait we will have anal cavity blood enjoyers weighing in in 3/2/1

Some people are more hygienic than other, it's depends on person
>>transmits infections and diseases
It has nothing to do with gaysex itself, straight sex can also transmit infections and diseases
>>nearly all religion are against it
And? Not my problem

some people get happy from killing people, should we allow them?

It's all anal sex, hole is not meant to have penis inside it, hole is made for literal human shit.
Make shit hole bleed = spread disease, the end.

your butt can never be hygienic, unless you poop from a hole in your stomach you have fecal matter and harmful bacteria in your butt
its not why you're designed to do
>it has nothing to do with gaysex
it does, as i said it is unhygienic, straight sex can transmit infections and diseases? ofc, but its like saying healthy people can get cancer too therefore you dont need to be healthy

get a load of this faggot

The only time straight sex spreads disease is when on of the parties has already been tainted by faggot sex, directly or indirectly.

how come so many creatures in nature have anal sex? are those animals not natural?

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Because you're jewish and it's in your nature.

based merchant

deboonk this, you cant

I got herpes from a beautiful girl. I know it isn't usually regarded as an STD because it's mostly harmless but I still got it. It kind of ruined my sex life cause I don't want to spread it around.
Not that I support gay culture, but she wasn't tainted by gayness.

What I meant to say is it's not covered by STD tests if you don't specifically request it.

You called it sex so you failed before you even started. It's buggery.

genital herpes can he suppressed by meds so sex isnt affected. if it is normal herpes its a meme, just dont kiss people when youre breaking out

My ex got cold sores all over her lips, I just avoided it whenever she had a breakout - and I have zero herpes.

Likely too that it's the sort of virus that some people are resistant too based on genetics. Gotta win the lottery after all.

Probably one of the few viruses for which you hope pfizer makes an mrna cure for - sure it might kill you but you will be better off dying with a clean dick.