Anyone else reminded of the final days of Nixon?

President Biden’s approval rating fell to 36 percent in a Reuters-Ipsos poll released Tuesday, marking its lowest point to date in that particular poll.

The poll found Biden’s approval rating fell 6 percentage points from a week earlier, and it dropped from 76 percent to 72 percent among Democrats in that same span.

The low point for Biden in the Reuters poll came less than a week after he hit a new low in the Associated Press poll, which found the president’s approval rating sat at 39 percent.

Both polls reflect a consistent trend of Biden’s approval rating mired in the high 30 percent to low 40 percent range in recent months. The president has been hampered by rising costs, which have been exacerbated by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

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You don't have to go back to Nixon. Lowest Presidential approval was Bush in 2008. He was at 20-25%, doubt Biden ever goes that low unless Great Depression 2.0 happens.

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wake me up when polls sit presidents or give you a supermajority
polls are gossip for DC faggots
he could be 1% +-1% in the polls, and the senile bastard handlers would still be calling the shots

That shit isn't directly Joe Biden's fault, but you better believe that shit is coming.
War/inflation/food shortage/
all fun things that are relatively quickly pushing everything to total collapse.
So glad it's happening in my lifetime.

only thing that matters are elections. 2024 will be the determinant

Fuck joe biden..

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I feel like the establishment feels like the Red team is getting a little too mad and will give them a pyrrhic victory in 2024 with another Ziocon to cool them back down.

Nothing will change of course, but the boomers and cuckservatives will be lulled back to sleep.

Doesn’t matter. Polls won’t change a thing

Hopefully you guys get someone who isn't an insane or senile person.
If you don't want shit to pop off even worse than it already is, you've got to find someone who Republicans and Democrats are both willing to play ball with; to find some sort of middle ground.

>unless Great Depression 2.0 happens.

It's already happening. That's what happens when every American president for the past 40 years has tinked with the economic numbers, CPI, unemployment and etc. There is nothing left to change. Even with Bidens CPI change at the beginning of the year it still looks dreadful.

Look at something like shadow stats to see how really bad it is. The media is still technically standing behind him and its the only reason those numbers say what they do.

> polls are gossip for DC faggots

Exactly, the real stats on America i think everyone actually already knows where they are at.

>you've got to find someone who Republicans and Democrats are both willing to play ball with; to find some sort of middle ground.

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>oNlY ThInG ThAt MatTeRs ArE ElECtiOns
>81 MiLlIoN VoTeS

same leaf, i hope you don't get a cuck actor working for WEF next time.

If you are not in full Chinese level communism before next elections

I, for one, would love to be lulled back to sleep

Though I will say, that I feel like Trudeau getting little too comfortable, calling multiple snap elections so he can retain power. I don't think he's doing too terrible of a job at present, but I do think (even another liberal leader) it time for someone else to steer the ship.
Mother fucker wasted 500 million to get two more liberal seats. What a fucking waste of time and money.

He spent his first year in office sanctioning the United States retard. It's 100% his fault. The fed is 40% of gdp spending.

I voted NDP (Jangmeet Singh) because it seemed like he was going to be less will to play ball with "foreign competition". Keep more production in North America at least.
Then he jumps right in bed with Trudeau who is way too open to trade with anyone in opinion.
Really got fucked on that one.

>you've got to find someone who Republicans and Democrats are both willing to play ball with
nahh nigger

we want the most divisive motherfucker alive.I dont care if its alex jones or AOC
as long as this ship goes down in a blaze of glory.

In the scenario where everything goes to shit, do you think you'll last very long?
Roving bands of cannibals will keep you alive for weeks, as they slowly bbq your arms and legs for food.
Not really interested in living in a world like that.

hey, accelerator you ain't getting more stimmies by the economy getting more fucked up. all it did was allow elected officials to have money for their pet projects.

blaze of glory means a 10x shittier life than you already got. 'edgy shitlord' is only 'cool' if you can afford even the basics which you won't if it burns hard.

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>doesn't want to face the cannibal gang-infested Mad Max future
You're a coward, boy.
Afraid of looters roughing up your pop vinyl collection?