Here we go again!!

Here we go again!!

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It's usually 15-18 a week, what is it about holidays that drive the number up?

Drinking and partying. Get a bunch of nigs together with alcohol and what do you expect?

This. There is nothing like a cookout shootout on the South or Westside.

Niggers really hate niggers, huh?

if only guns were outlawed people would stop killing each other.

niggers. 47 niggers.

muh curfew

Incels cause so much crime

Attached: 993DE749-D1C2-419F-83AD-2E47E77E3024.jpg (600x327, 150.88K)

Kikes and their demoshart toadies should get their pet niggers under control.

Holidays and warmer months bring out the niggers in droves. Fall is relatively safer.

Chicago weekend shooting statistics is the only news I ever read

We should ban the demographic that contributes the most to gun violence from getting access to any firearms.

Wouldn't the US be pretty much on par with European countries in terms of gun deaths if blacks didn't have guns?

What happened to the /cpd/ threads

Probably. The best solution is really just to get rid of black people (and only black people). A lot of other races dislike them and only hitch their wagon to people who simp for blacks out of political expediency

Oh look a national tragedy where are the democrats and the media? Why is this ok and ignored? Because rather are black and its criminals? Kids and randomly innocents get caught innthe fire too. These are mass shooting too often times.

Everyone hates niggers

Whoa, thats an awful lot of white supremacists motivated by the great replacement conspiracy theory

Its getting warm, I am going to have to start baking /cpd/ threads again...

Attached: Handover_ur_firearms.webm (640x360, 2.51M)

Only 47? That's a pretty slow weekend for chicago.

On par with Belgium, the third lowest in gun crime in the world. Instead we have niggers so we are like the Belgian Congo
>activates my almonds

Attached: toughpill.webm (710x400, 2.59M)

They will be back in June

kek, willing to bet most of those niggers are packing illegal heat

This is what everyone should answer to the gun control push related to the Uvalde school shootings. Over twice the number of people shot, in just one weekend, in one city, in one state.

Of course, RIP and condolences.

Also, I have absolutely nothing to do with 2A personally. For me, it's simply about the rights, personal protection for those who want it, and cracking down on criminals, not legal gun owners.