Seth... You're on Any Forums too much. Time to take a break

Seth... You're on Any Forums too much. Time to take a break.

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Follow the trail, Seth Rogen.

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Based as fuck

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Haha even Snoop told him he needs to chill

Snoop continues to be the last good black celebrity now that DMX is dead.

He sucks. The worst people are ones who turn weed into their whole personality.

>inb4 "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean the hurtful things I said. I need to take a break from Twitter to think about things.
Then it will be memory-holed and he'll continue being a millionaire asshole

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This isn’t real

itd be a shame if he died mysteriously :(

Is that real because it's too funny. Probably the funniest shit rogan has ever done

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Nigger these posts are from 2018 this is a slide thread

It’s amazing how people trying as hard as they can to fake images of this jew being an asshole can’t make them as bad as his real behavior

why do stoners get so angry whenever someone expresses their dislike for marijuana? what happened to: "dude just relax, live and let live"?

This skit doesn't even make any sense. A jew can't ask someone non-jewish to do something for them on the sabbath or else that makes it a violation of the sabbath. The whole point of the shabbos goy is they do things without being asked. This joke falls flat one both jews and non-jews. Holy shit, what a hack.

I don't get it, what does being jewish have to do with marijuana abuse? The fuck?

They just enjoy the idea of enslaving non-jews, I don't think most of these contemporary jews give a fuck about their own sick religion.

Fair point. Damn, we used to get good jew jokes from these kikes. Jews always told the best anti-semitic jokes.

Man, it’s pretty clear that something bad has happened to Seth. I can’t imagine being that bitter of a turd. Over someone talking about how children shouldn’t have access to drugs for obvious reasons.
He’s the type of dude to get a puppy and leave it pinned up for 12 hours then return to piss and shit everywhere and rages at the poor thing.

man he has snoop dog telling him to stop talking about weed

Seth really does have a problem with goyim, I feel like he really does have a personal hatred towards us. Like how there are whites that hate black people just for being alive.

posting in hilarious thread

I didn't know my bad, didn't mean to make it a slide thread, just wanted to laugh about his retardation.

Isn't it a treatment for schizophrenia?