Google really went all out to celebrate Memorial day on their homepage

Google really went all out to celebrate Memorial day on their homepage

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Wait til it's tranny montn

What's there to celebrate?

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Cope more paco

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kek they're rubbing it chuds faces. Imagine being a vet right now.

What did you gain from backing the communist USSR over National Socialist Germany?

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I'm with him on this one. Death to America

Who cares? This country is a shithole.

do you plan to do anything to fix it?

Good. Zogbots don’t deserve praise

that’s because your kind slaughtered the golden lamb and now you’re racing to be the fattest maggot on the corpse

throw in another multibillion dollars aid next time.

This is actually pretty based. Zogbots who die for the Jew don't deserve to be celebrated or recognized.

kys boomer

>Google really went all out to celebrate Memorial day on their homepage
It's a moment of silence from Google. Do you even know what Memorial Day is for? Not everything is about you; but here's a YOU

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I don't think you'd have to wait, they probably already do the gay flag every other day

Jews doing Jew shit.

>What's there to celebrate?
No, boomers did, you fucking nigger.

Be sure to remember this

If you're a patriot come join this discord server

discord period gg slash uMMAZh5Q

Were your ancestors marrano jews?

It really is completely offensive. Gray meaning a dead holiday?

Glow harder, glownigger.

>what did you gain?
Lol, are you drunk? They gained a shit ton of money, and a global empire.

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Memorial day is to honor fallen soldiers. So, grey is fitting because people will visit their relatives graves. I think it is ascetic.