High Divorce Rate In The US

Hey, Any Forums. Why is the divorce rate so high in America? I hate how normalized it is in our society.

Attached: DivorceRateByCountry.png (2377x1709, 56.43K)

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Because everyone is a fucking asshole

...have you seen american women? They're a nightmare beyond a one night stand, and sometimes even with that.

Americans make the decision to marry in about 2 hours

The great OZ wants to be everybody's Father figure through their brainwashing systems that project their edomite narrative and control from the central office.

So the entire concept as Marriage as what protects the children is going to be replaced with how bees or ants protect young.

Children are property of the state, women just make the babies and males are selected to die or survive to make better babies.

They'll walk themselves right into Genocide as they've done twice before. But the victory is worth it.

No fault divorce was a mistake

Part of the problem I’m America is that people used to understand that you have to work on relationship. And there are difficult patches sometimes. You’re dealing with two people with egos and also hopes and dreams. The problem now days (especially among women) as soon as it gets tough people want to cut and run, the idea of trying to ‘fix’ problems in the relationship seems like too much trouble. The no fault divorce doesn’t help with this…

t.married an American girl, now divorced from her

The Arabs in Government got the fantastic idea to take away every man's right to decide when to allow his offspring to die of starvation because the mother was an absolute cunt of a person and the children too.

That gives the maximum power of procreation to the races of men who never forge any relationship with a woman past the sex act, then disappear back into the jungle.

Short answer: Baby Boomers
You break that down by generation and they make up over half of the current divorces on the books 10 out of every 1,000 people over the age of 50 have had *at least* one divorce to give context Generation X(40~50) it's 1 in every 1,000.

Women initiate divorce for petty reasons and often simply because they’re bored. Females are overwhelmingly the ones that decide the divorce. It’s like asking a house if it would like to be owned by you, we seriously consider asking the property about its opinion, it’s absurd.

8000 years ago roughly 17 women reproduced for every man who reproduced. Which means roughly 1 in 17 men were impregnating 17 women. This equation has changed with the modern invention of religion, civilization and enlightened self-regulation with its ideology on: "one man one woman".

Reproduction has been a minority winner-take-all game from the beginning. The exclusion of a majority of genetically unfit and undesirable males from reproduction, has been the cornerstone driving force of the genetic algorithm in human evolution. A male's Y chromosome has a 15 times greater risk of mutation relative to the female X chromosome. The splicing and rejoining of XX to XY and back again solves the "Explore vs exploit problem" in the genetic algorithm. The purpose of the Y is to produce variance to be either selected or eliminated by new environments and environmental/sexual selection factors. Nature can afford to do this with men because even if 16 of 17 men die, the same number of high quality babies live on. The low quality males that don't die do all the repetitive motion labor to maintain the tribe. This is why all of the fittest/smartest and all of the weakest/dumbest people are men. All of the CEO's are men, but all of the homeless lunatics are also men. Women tend to be clustered in the middle on most dimensions of human characteristics (part of it can be explained since the female-run civilization values women over men because women care for babies. So women get more money just for being a woman, quadrupally so if children exist. ). X doesn't show as much genetic variance because the X chromosome is designed to be a checkpoint, and relatively stable (Exploit what you know) vs the Y chromosome is "Explore unknown-unknowns", and the X and Y chromosome are cut in half, and rejoined on every generation.

Attached: divorce_rate_has_a_fifth_year_hump.png (640x473, 106.58K)

Did your wife spend a shit ton on the wedding?
That means she's a gold digger and she's going to divorce you for a better man for the last half of her life.

Attached: wedding_expenses_positively_correlated_with_divorce_rate.png (727x505, 39.18K)

Interesting as fuck.

Saved you $100k worth of datascience education, just learn to condition your brain to ask questions in the form of: "Show me the confusing thing on the vertical axis against known thing on the horizontal axis" then ask google.

Unknown Divorce probability attribute against known property of human you could know absolutely attribute.

Now you know how to communicate to google for a graphic.

Attached: divorce_rate_increases_log_x_with_aymptote_of_65_percent.png (949x373, 30.26K)

Iphone users get more bedroom action than android users.

Attached: sex_partners_by_smartphone_selection.png (480x363, 8.56K)

Women self-sabotage themselves on the dominance hierarchy because for whatever reason they don't confine behavior in the now for agendas 5 to 15 steps ahead (5 to 25 years downstream of their beahviors) Women are predictable and history repeats. Put women in positions of state/political power, and they will subvert everything to emasculate their men out of jealousy. Then when they tire of gazing upon the men they ruined (they must have been low value then), they will invite indomitable men from overseas to replace their ruined men, in a desperate attempt to taste the masculinity that they themselves ruined, and could not create or nurture into existence. The strong men then put women back where they belong at the beginning of this paragraph, create a nation that they destroyed, and the cycle repeats itself at the top.

This female behavior is self-limiting though, and self creating, like the function of a carburator back in the 1920's or how a ship stays upright even though it's center of balance is above sea level.


Female Instinct is to create the conditions for men to war. Arabs have captured this and pre-empted the female desire for men to die in war, and co-opted the gains from that evolutionary algorithm to catapult their own tribe rather than the interests of the male and female carrier group for DNA.

Attached: internet_dating_is_skyrocketing_through_2010.png (812x457, 141.81K)

What the fuck are you even talking about

My aunt and uncle spent (when adjusted for inflation) about $1,100 for their wedding in 1979 and they're still happily married. They're not poor by any means, they just didn't feel the need to waste so much for a glorified party.

Western women aren't worth it, simple as.

Our wedding was cheap because we're unvaxxed and there was covid, it might have been around 1k

Her parents would have put in like 10k though, if they could come here

My wife basically decided to marry me even when I was a broke man

Wish me luck

Nice, I like the way you think zoologist data guy

You're like those historian-statisticians in Isaac Asimov stories