I'm gonna be homeless again

I was too depressed to do my work, so I am just gonna go to a psyche ward on Thursday because I don't have enough for rent. It's really depressing because I just got out of homelessness, but yeah. That's my story and I just wanted to share it. I thought about killing myself but I am not going to.

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Just claim to be an alcoholic, and sober up. There's got to be one within 60 miles.

got to be one what?

A state rehab center.

Oh I am gonna go to a rehab and then a halfway house, just so I can get shelter

The psyche ward can hook me up with a rehab

The whole situation just sucks though, hospitals, rehabs, halfway houses, it's just a pain in the ass


Guy, idk what you're going through, but I've had nearly 40 seizures episodes due to alcohol withdrawal. You can check the Mayo Clinic or Wikipedia website; they'll tell you the same. Once you hit 4-5, you're bound to get seizures just for fun.


I'm not into alcohol, really. Just severe depression, and then I self medicate with DXM, then depression gets worse, then I sleep for like 3-4 days and don't do any work. So yeah, and now I am in this position. It's depressing af and I feel useless.

Well, don't give others power over you feel about yourself. Stop doing that.


you gotta find fun in little shit. take photos or something.

user, I hate myself so much it's a real physical force but I'm still the best damn worker at my place of employment because i force myself to compartmentalize everything and fake a smile till I'm home again. You can do this too. Also start reading.

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Are you LARPing, being discreetly jewed or just a piece of shit?

Still OP here. Idk what you mean. I'm not larping though. I've been gangstalked hard for years so that certainly never helped my situation

I've prayed for you user, I hope others will do the same

Not a bad idea. Just check into one of these places for a couple of years, take classes or work on some skills and see if things stabilize, or go completely down the shitter. Unless you actually DO have long-term, crippling depression - then you're fucked, unless you get on some serious meds. Trust me.

Are you White?
What are your politics?

That was so nice of you, I hope he saw this

How can depression affect your ability to work?

at least you got 777 user
you are unironically going to make it

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