They’re coming for your guns

What are you going to do about it?

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I'm a law enforcement officer, so when they tell me to go knock on doors and collect guns I'll just sit at City Hall playing Uno with everyone else while we type up phony dispositions for the call log saying "Talked to so and so, he had no guns in his possession".

Just lmao at the idea of collecting guns. I choose life, nigger.


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Did you enforce covid policies?

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100% agree. Mentally ill Troons who are jealous of Children that weren't raped as kids should not have guns. They should be put down. Good post OP. NOT SAGE.

Fake and gay


The GOP strategy after every mass shooting is to flood the zone with crap they know are lies and nonsense, just to outlast the news cycle.
And Dems and the media always allow it to work.
Crenshaw and every member of the GOP want more dead children in school. They want more school shootings, especially in elementary schools. That will never change. The only way to save our kids is to work towards defeating the GOP, not hoping that some of the GOP will change their minds to vote to protect kids. None of them will, so Chuck Schumer and Chris Murphy and other Dems really need to stop begging. As usual, it makes them look like Charlie Brown, the GOP is Lucy with the football, and children are still in danger.

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Nope. I did get written up once for not wearing a mask in a hospital though, but those don't do anything.

Would you ruin a peaceful citizens life if he was making machine guns in his garage and wanted to test them in the middle of the wilderness?

Terry was right

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Shut the fuck up Rich you phone literally everything in that's why you keep getting fired

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>>Allows the invasion of their land by Mexicans and trannies
>>Pretends to care about children

My sides.

honestly we are going to kill them, find their names, find their families and kill them too. pets ass well, no lefty left alive period

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Btw user is there any redpill on becoming a porker? Ive been considering it for years, i make over 100k a year in my job but there is no growth. Whats your opinion?

even our neighbor lady says she'll buckshot anyone who tries to take anything

Ok, spotted the racist. For the record, I believe that every child has a right to come to America. Just because they come from Mexico doesn’t make them any less American. I myself came from Scotland before I immigrated to the US and gained citizenship. Now I can vote.

I bet you also support the concentration camps the GOP built along the Texas border.

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You won't do shit.
If you ever tried, the fag in your screenshot would just flee to Europe while you get yourself killed on his behalf.

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>lots of armed people with no way to maintain their daily life won't cause hilarious problems

Except they're not coming for our guns, they're coming for the following generation's guns. They'll never pull off "You can't have that", they can only get "You can't buy that in a store"

Cops wouldn't even go through one door, to come for one gun that was being used to shoot elementary school-aged kids in their brains at that very moment. You think they're going to come through half the doors in each household in this country to take our guns?

You'll be doing the real enemies a really big favor by culling the sheep for them. You have no idea what you're up against. It's not the useful idiots who are the problem.

I love seeing opinions from people who have no idea what they’re talking about. There is no “taking the guns”. It’s physically impossible. There are simply too many. And in the event that some whacko mandate is passed down like covid mandates, they’ll just be ignored like all the rest. I am unvaxxed, untested, and will never release my right to self defense. They will have to come and take it out of my hands. The feds do not have the manpower or morale to do this. They are desk jockey paper-pushing simpleton diversity hires drooling from gaping mouths. The instant even 1% of them don’t come back from their gun-grabbing escapades the rest will break and resort to passive aggressive social media virtue signaling. We are in a dead country.

Who needs nvgs when your enemies already glow in the dark?

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>freeze the accounts of 100,000,000 people and raid their houses

Come on faggots, come for my guns. I double dog dare you. I'm such a non-threat that joe biden can come himself and be the first through the door so he can get a shiny photo op.

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Evil is facilitated by guns that can fire 70 rounds per minute into the bodies of 9 and 10-year-old children.
Evil is facilitated by companies that mass produce weapons designed for combat and market them to civilians.
Evil is facilitated by an organization that exists primarily to buy politicians who then block any legislation that would attempt to address the epidemic of gun violence in America including universal background checks and red flag laws that would make it harder for people with mental illness to buy guns.
Evil is facilitated when a mentally ill homicidal coward can easily buy two assault rifles, 70 magazines, and a thousand rounds of ammunition days after his 18th birthday and days before going on a killing rampage at an elementary school.
Evil is facilitated by politicians who justify, rationalize, and blame everything (including teachers) except the common denominator linked to every mass shooting for the last decade, their beloved assault rifle.
Evil is facilitated when we do nothing as innocent bodies of children, women, and the elderly, ripped apart by bullets, fill our funeral homes and graveyards.
Evil is facilitated when people decide the right to own weapons of war outweighs the rights of fourth-graders to watch Lilo and Stitch without being executed at point-blank range.
Evil is facilitated when cops stand in a hallway, doing nothing, for 76 minutes while children bleed out from gunshot wounds suffered at the hands of a weak coward armed with a weapon that performed with the exact lethality and mutilation for which it was designed.

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>How to start a civil war with one simple trick!

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>It's not the useful idiots who are the problem.
They are literally the problem. Without them there's no false consensus manufactured against common sense.

Yes starving us will work. What's the old saying. Peaceful submission is only a few missed meals away right?

You get the trick with the Law.

The Law is too afraid to deal with niggers. Too many guns.

But you white people, White Americans, yea the Law can DEFINATELY control you.

"So just give up!"


I had this problem in Tech School. The teacher said "If you lose your harddrive data, it's gone forever."

Then the teacher said "The Feds can always get your data."

So I asked the teacher - which is it? Is the data gone forever? Or always retrievable? Pick.


>Evil is facilitated
Of all the ways evil is facilitated, you picked the (at worst) net-neutral

If you don't generate any calls for service (aka you're not a nigger disturbing other people and keep things quiet) I have no reason to go to your house and into your garage.
If you are a nigger creating calls for service, at least be smart enough to not tell me what you're doing in your fucking garage. What I don't know, I can't take action on.
Just lol. This is such an infantile look at gun collection spoken from someone who has no idea how $$$ works.
You know all those federal agents are paid, right? You can't do high risk shit for cheap. Every one of those seizures takes an insane amount of cash, we're talking paying 12-20 people $60-90 an hour (not even getting into overtime rates).
Doing a high risk warrant on ONE person is a LOT of money. Now imagine having to do it on 100 million people.
"Cope!" fag.
You see a lot of bad shit and become jaded. I've been on scene of 3 train suicides since December, 4 traffic fatalities, and a number of other things that just don't sit well with me at night, and we're barely halfway through 2022. I'm looking to leave, and wouldn't recommend law enforcement to anyone, especially nowadays. If I were to do anything law enforcement related after this, it'd probably be a park ranger, but I'd take a massive paycut switching over and have an even lower pay ceiling.

Put more simply, either America just births more sociopaths per capita than the rest of the world, or, America is messing up here. It has been obvious for some time that the answer is B. We can pick any of the solutions that have worked around the world and they will work, eventually, here though maybe to a lesser extent. The fact that we have so many guns does make it difficult to get the ball moving, but it is, by no means, impossible.

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>either America just births more sociopaths per capita than the rest of the world, or, America is messing up here. It has been obvious for some time that the answer is B.
Is it though


Nigger, its in the name field. You ain't spotting shit.

And you're definitely not Scottish kek. Your primary language is not English.

based terry poster

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What does that mean?