Why are russians so weird looking?

Why are russians so weird looking?

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Other urls found in this thread:

frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphar.2017.00967/full#:~:text=Prevalence of the obesity in Serbia (23.6%) is almost,the similar level (39%).

Man, this shit looks so uncanny.

i don't get it, that kid looks better than 99.9% of Any Forums

Still whiter than you mutts.

Unironically what peak performance looks like.

how is that weird? that's a normal look?

>blonde hair
>white skin
>not obese
Yeah, bet that does look strange in 99% of the world

thats the point, globohomo goblins wonder why russians are not disgusting, obese, beasts like average globohomo country citizens are

he cute ^_^

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Fuck Serbia

would desu

That’s a good looking man. He needs to work on posture, though to make the best of himself.
Lateral pulls
Work on upper back and traps.

>Prevalence of the obesity in Serbia (23.6%) is almost two times higher than the prevalence in the world (12%)
frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphar.2017.00967/full#:~:text=Prevalence of the obesity in Serbia (23.6%) is almost,the similar level (39%).

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give me more

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>weird looking
Imagine being a euronigger and thinking a teenage boy being fit and muscular is "weird".

Attached: facepalm-deja-q.jpg (1200x873, 204.25K)

>>Prevalence of the obesity in Serbia (23.6%) is almost two times higher than the prevalence in 3rd world shit holes (12%)

This. He's peak performance. Maybe his arms are a bit big for his body, but more height would sacrifice performance.

i stole it from some polak to pray it like she is yellow Aphrodite.. Sorry bros not so much i have!

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Highly neotonous

lmfao saw this exact thread a few months back, was concluded it had to do with mongolian race mixing and generational starvation messing with their gene pools. royalty was historically western european

They are at the intersection between Europe and Asia, so it's normal they look different from other whites.

Attached: russian grill.png (1280x720, 598.56K)

That's actually a pretty normal looking specimen.

Snow niggers