What the political implications is millennials becoming right wing?

>America’s biggest brands have received a lot of fire from the millennial left in recent years for ostentatious virtue signaling — rainbow Oreos, Black Lives Matter shirts at Walmart, that sort of thing. There is rage at this imagined disingenuousness; corporate America is assumed to be full of a bunch of greedy hypocrites who don’t believe in the causes they’re exploiting to pitch products. Yet at some point this anger becomes indistinguishable from purely aesthetic distaste — instinctive revulsion at a new highly visible evolution in the culture that finds common cause with a populist right equally contemptuous of “woke capital” and the liberal politicians they finance.

>Further overlap comes from a shared perception that the social causes of today simply aren’t worth much. Just as some boomers felt their progressive views on civil rights and feminism justified indifference — or hostility — to the gay rights movement that came later, aging millennials who feel they’ve proved themselves supportive of gay rights may find prissy and frivolous the younger generation’s insistence on things such as pronoun introductions and perfectly race- and gender-balanced workplaces. Layer on that most disorienting anxiety of middle-age — not knowing what’s offensive anymore — and you have a generation primed to be at least a little reactionary-curious.
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>However, a shared loathing of the liberal establishment is probably the right’s most convincing case for leftist conversion.

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The left wing of yesterday is the right wing of today

this is a retarded thinkpiece and it proves nothing


> left or right
There's basic common sense and absolute fucking retarded.
those are your wings

All those anti-war civil rights protestors of the 1960s? They went on to grow up, get office jobs and vote for Reagan and Nixon and George W. Bush.

It's a tale as old as time. The youth are liberal and gradually grow more conservative as they get older.

I am a living example of this.

Raised very hard right in a poor family.
Got out into the world, softened a lot. Vague, leftist centrist for years.
Repeatedly mugged by reality and realised a lot of people despise me because I am a capable healthy white guy who can see through people.
Then realised the world is going mad and God is real.
Just in time.

>Hey millenials! Get fucked with rekt economy and recession after recession, you will never own a home you fool, why didnt you born wealth or learned to code??? Hahaha why dont you make kids you fool? Let us brainwash them with lgbtq propaganda. You will own nothing and be happy cockroach
>W-wait what you doing? You cant go right wing, thats wrongthink! You dont wanna be a nazy bigot, r-right???

This. I'm a former "leftist" that came here to troll le ebil Nazis years ago. Gas the kikes race war now.

Its because every schools of every developped nations are infested by far left losers larping as teachers. Its like that from kindergarten to university, the only fields not completely overun are engineering and business schools but before that you had a solid 9 to 13 years of daily brainwashing.

Eventually you grow out of it. That's why they're desperate to lower the voting âge.

Based. We need to protect (white) workers rights.

Let's be honest here the American right is still liberal

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The white hipsters of 2010 are now Tucker Carlson fans

>if you aren't left wing at 20 you have no heart
>if you aren't right wing at 40 you have no brains

Moving political affiliations without actually moving. Always a favourite.

It's always been this way.
It's easy to say that we have so much to share when your life with your parents. When you work long hours to see half of your money being docked by people who mock you for working, you change your mind.

the world isnt against you OP. youre spending too much time in echo chambers which warps your reality. White men are the most desirable race according to dating stats.

Well yeah I think most people realize how dumb it is that a slight disagreement with the left means you're a neo nazi, but that's the world we live in.

>corporate America is assumed to be full of a bunch of greedy hypocrites who don’t believe in the causes they’re exploiting to pitch products.

Kek liberals are unironically defending corporations now and trying to portray them as the good guys not motivated purely by greed. So much for principles you fucking scumbags

thinking Jews are systematically replacing you does pretty much make you a nazi yeah

>t. millenial leftist who matured into a far right ethno-nationalist (FREN)

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I am talking about my life in work and outside, have had a gf for years.

>housemate stabbed by somalis
>friend bashed by arabs
>turks wont serve me in shops
>passed over at work by pajeets
>watching country get asianised
>brother assaukted by aboes on drugs

Don't tell me my eyes are lying

Can confirm.
t. Millennial raised in west European "diverse" neighborhood without prejudice and lived in several countries.
Now full on 1488 and JQ pilled

That has nothing to do with political power or dominant institutional narratives

I am pretty much a racist homophobe Tankie who believes in Jesus.

I grew up being a Clintonian leftist (ie moderate republican now), but when Obama's student loan repayment programs collapsed I started seeing every social program as a huge lie, and getting 30% of my income taken every year for seemingly nothing hurts as well. Now you only have to ask what a leftist victory would look like: A retarded mix of cuba or china and california at best, Cambodia or a Stalinist state at worst.

K. What about "neoliberalism can't exist without a slave class and as the capitalists loot more and more they depend increasingly on more slave labor. They launder any criticism of this by normalizing anti-white bigotry and implying that a reduction in quality of living for everyone is just white people getting their privilege checked"?

well i got disillusioned with the left after 2013 and started voting center. depending on the upcoming election i might as well go full right-wing now.


That's mainly a myth... people tend to become conservative in their daily lives not politically. It just so happens that as you become more conservative you vote for things that will benefit your future and your kids future. But that also means being progressive at the same time and left leaning values as well.
It's not the same as being conservative as in, you are maintaining a social or cultural norm, and vote to keep certain values alive and keep progressive ones out.

>if you aren't right wing at 20 you have no brains
>if you aren't NatSoc at 40 you have no heart

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I'm still an atheist but I would happily take a far-right Christian theocracy over Globohomo Clown World desu.

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I think Arendt was right when she saw anti-semitism as lingering memories of elite Jews owning the means of acquiring capital prior to centralized banks in the 19th century. Not saying Jews dont participate in modern finance obviously, but the leviathan is far more than that now.

They still vote democrat but do everything they can to live in sleek white suburbs with starbucks. Just hypocrisy. I respect full on marxists way more than liberal democrats, especially women

> a new highly visible evolution in the culture
Referring to wokeness as "cultural evolution" deceptively suggests that these changes happened organically, that "progress" is inevitable. It betrays the reality that progressive politics have been prescribed to society from the top down by globalist corporations and international banks in order to make the population easier to exploit and control.

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We need to clean everything up, we can relax a little when the (((source))) of the rot is dealt with.

>as soon as a generation spends a few years out of college, they immediately start becoming more conservative
Gee, what a shock. It's almost like leftist values are just the result of being indoctrinated by a biased academic system, and have no practical application in the real world.

Churchill had a quote on that.
If you're not a liberal in your youth you have no heart, if you're no conservative in adulthood you have no brain. Something like that.

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>Further overlap comes from a shared perception that the social causes of today simply aren’t worth much.
If niggers disappeared, who would tongue my anus?

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>mfw they tell me demonic possession isn't real

That's retarded. If you are leftist at 20 now a days you have no soul.

This honestly, in Canada, our conservatives are basically pre-2015 liberals.

Yes, I foolishly voted left wing straight out of highschool. Now I'm a conservitard.children give life perspective and children shouldn't be able to vote.

AAAAH nooo ahhh

Crypto and free stock trading and fractional shares means more people are investing, so more people are becoming economically literate.
Also, because savings accounts and cds pay nothing, people are forced to invest. The inflation also makes people more right wing.