What does religion contribute to society?

What does religion contribute to society?

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The society.

Bet its not controlled by race

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Shut it commie bolshevik

this information will never be used against jews though

ily the Church because if we have 80% of our white artistic and cultural heritage is thanks to the money they stole crom dukbfucks like you and used to build nice things:) go die of starvation nigger:)

Literally claiming demigod status. Faggot Jew needs to suck off a 12 gauge.

Christianity and Marxism have the same end goal - to erase the indigenous culture of a target population.

Modern Religion has a 75% chance to be megajewish. If the aetheists were not jewish and that last 25% didn't protect legally the individual from corporations and governments I would not be as outwardly religious.

This is clown world, faith is my shield and sword against globohomo just as tomorow I will be faithful and eat the bug.

God I hate the Antichrist.

btw completely fake and gay, at CERN there is a chapel and some induist thing too and nearly all the top physicists of the world has a spirituality and is a theist, the ones that does propaganda on television are puppets m8 they don't mean shit in the real world

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Insofar as those cultures are cultures of sin, that is correct. There is nothing innately cultural to following Christ, however. It is cultural ambivalence, whereas Marxism is anticulture.

A shared Culture/Set of Beliefs that holds the Society together. Its why Assimilation is important, and why the coexistence of 2 incompatible beliefs leads to the destruction of society.

Eighty three leftist circle jerks resolve to a leftist circle jerk.

Color me surpized.

I once told a marxist they were a shitty christian, instead of rejecting both, they adopted christianity as a form of marxism. I want to say based because marx would be livid.



Name one thing that atheism has produced

Everything Christ said is directly opposed to Marxist thought. Congratulations. You made the most cocksuckingly Jewish post in history.

Art. The reason you are even able to draw furry porn to make a living is because religion in Europe set the foundation for artists to thrive from the very beginning.

So please, don't forget to thank Leonardo da Vinci for the kind donations you get for drawing that muscled lion dude in diapers.

>He doesn't know what his own religion is all about
sad! many such cases!

Without religion everyone would be going around robbing and shooting each other. There is also special blessings associated with the Hebrew language. It is a guide on how to live.

What does that even mean? There are so many different types of belief systems.

>yo guys Marxism isn't a secularization of Talmudic morality
Have fun being retarded and wrong about everything for the rest of your life.

Marxism is a religion too today, 200 ideologies spawn from it making the destroyer of cultures a culture on itself. They peak in the 60's, the idea of what we're seeing today of the destruction of any and all social contract, at any rate.
After all you can't go beyond destroying all facete of society for no reason.
What you would expect from pluto-fags-crats that don't partaken in society. Oh yes, forgot to tell you that kikes control marxism since basically when Marx was alive, they saw great potential on it, the result you're also seeing for the last 100+ years. Most of these ideologies are after all create or promote by kikes operators.

Religion is a set moral and ethical code behind a lot of principles like not judging the child for the father's sin, jury based trials, and generalized ground work for proper societal behavior (don't steal, murder, etc) that benefits society on the whole.
Even as an atheist I can see the benefits that religion brings to the table. Your studies also fail to mention that religious people also tend to be much more likely to breed above replacement rates don't tolerate beating societal behavior like faggotry, and such too.
>but niggers and spics are more religious
And also gigantic hypocrites in regards to everything.

>ask satanic godless greedy corrupt scientists if they think they're smart
many such cases. Sad!

its a hard ask.in the family and societal question i would agree with you.but in higher leves, religion is clearly only used as a tool for power and greed.its a concept that if everyone would view it equally, then i could maybe buy into religion.