Don't ban guns, make them mandatory!
The time for appeasing the anti-self defense mob has ended. It's time to yank the overton window far in the other direction. It's time to arm everyone and make guns mandatory.

Attached: mandatoryguns.jpg (1764x1341, 216.15K)

Other urls found in this thread:

you will never be a woman

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Styxhexenhammer666 is obsessed with free gaming laptops and devising schemes to fool people into send him enormous donations and weekly tithes for his "Salvation Laptop Fund" which he uses to buy more expensive gaming laptops. He's running a big scam operation to fool all of you into sending him your life savings to buy yourself a place on his so-called "Salvation Laptop". In reality Styx will just type your name onto a list which he saves as a Word document on his "magical" laptop, that's your "place of salvation". He will then use your money to buy himself even more expensive gaming laptops that he'll play on his luxury yacht and private jet while plotting to rule the world through his laptop scam.

Styx Laptop pledge drive:

>Petition to make Styx get a job

▶ Styx boasts about his "tech skills" but doesn't know how to transfer the data from his HDD
▶ Keeps replacing his microphones because the volume is always terrible (he doesn't know how to adjust it)
▶ He fails to properly install his Logitech peripherals on his other laptop and thinks they don't work simply because his other laptop is "too old" to work with Logitech software

Attached: pastor-styxhexenhammer666.jpg (1284x900, 154.86K)

>Fuck off Styx nobody likes (you)

No political solution will work. Technological black swans are what cause sweeping political change. I'm waiting for easy to make open source guns (and ammo) to become mainstream, not just in the US but worldwide.

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Attached: brainlet.jpg (1023x651, 44.3K)

That man is a hero.

Attached: american-gun-history.png (1500x2965, 2.57M)


um, nope
giving niggers guns is insane and retarded
not everyone should be allowed to have a gun
we have the 2nd Amendment already
you want to force people to do shit
not good


Gangbangers already have guns. There'd be a lot less of them if every time they try to roll through the ghetto they get shot at by a crazy old black lady who lives on nothing but fried okra and whiskey.

Styx is such a retarded fag holy shit

From Europe with love, my burger frens.

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What is the meaning of life?

Attached: 1647532407640.jpg (223x226, 7.25K)

Human behavior and betrayal applies to all of us. It exists within ourselves. You love somebody. Do you? What is love? You have to have hope and spirit. Be an optimist. But can you handle all your human behavior or other's behavior? You don't want to be good, but great.
What really distinguishes UEFI from BIOS?
Not some firmware version (BIOS utilities have many differences).
Not the hardware, the rom chips.
What separates UEFI from BIOS is what UEFI does, or is meant to do, which is the Specification. When they keep referring to the interface as the specification this is therefore correct, albeit confusing and stupid.

Never forget that german government killed Jstark without trial

Attached: XZW77ZsH_qYAaPO30LeIzc_UMd5B5dqHwRAMoMR9bgQ.jpg (1920x1080, 448.39K)

I had to read that twice so if i remove the BIOS from the SEGA MASTER SYSTEM i become one with the whole?

It is called the SEGA System.

Attached: 1546038771269.jpg (1034x399, 53.42K)

Good point.
It should be mandatory for all 16 year olds in high school to be given firearms training. From pistols to Assault weapons.
The army could do it and shill for joining the force, doesn't matter. What matters is people understanding how to use weapons.

>It is called the SEGA System.
But it say Master here

Attached: SegaMasterSystemII-Hardware-Manual-EU-Cover.png (1085x1492, 153.64K)


Attached: sega-system1.jpg (2000x1369, 603.16K)