What are your thoughts on Vaush's political opinions?

What are your thoughts on Vaush's political opinions?

>inb4 out of context clips - clip chimps KYS

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i dont give a shit about kike ecelebs.

Soulless narcissistic eyes

What are his opinions? Literally don't follow this guy just see his face posted regularly.

he likes horsecocks and children last I heard

trustfund jew raised in a gated community, copies destinys schtick while advocating for revolution of the workers,
many such cases. The only callouses he has on his hands are from masturbating.

That dudes a little bitch. I despise seeing the physically weak become powerful

He's a fat internet pedo retard that is laughing all the way to the bank. If you watch these people for political views then you might just be mentally disabled.

Isn't he a pedophile?

>ooga booga, follow the strong
as expected from polturds

I think he's really good at creating arguments that are difficult to poke holes in. I do think he's a bit alarmist about conservatives though I see where he's coming from.

... That's not a critique

>inb4 out of context clips - clip chimps KYS
Ok, so even if we ignore his pedophilic sympathizer tweets, how come he's into beastiality(discord logs) and being full blown degenerate loser. He dated Fiona from Shrek, leftists are all the embodiment of chaos and dysfunction

That's right you fat little butterball

The no don't hit me started pack

It's the Adderall/Vyvanse
t. ADHDtard

I'm pretty sure everybody knows he's a pedophile, and a zoophile. Not sure about his political beliefs I thought he was a furry YouTuber? I've never watched his stuff just seen clips of him say weird shit

Half of the influencers/content creators we all watch are pedos and groomers. That community is just as bad as Hollywood

I struggle to decipher if he is just a bad faith grifter or if he truly believes the nonsense he spews.

He's a bought shill being paid to spread propaganda by two different governments.

So this is the guy the thread is talking about


I think the last thing someone with vaush's fat tits needs is more cake

Attached: leftie-sex.png (960x548, 481.71K)

Yes I'm 99% certain this is Vaush. Feminine deflective nagging demeanor, and backhanded complimenting the subject of the thread. That's you in the picture isn't it piggy?

Personal life aside, the guy has really solid political beliefs.

Honestly, I like him. He's just another morally exhausted white petit bourgey who has found himself turning to more and more radical worldviews to make sense of the the decaying a decadent reality we find ourselves in. He's not so different than most people here. I can sympathize with him even if he's misdirecting his anger.
At the end of the day, he ultimately serves our goals. This is not a man that will ever reconcile himself or seek to deescalate, which is fundamentally what the people here want as well. We both want the gate to open, and I think on some level, even he knows that once it does, his side' (if it can really be that) will be brutally ended and it's psychosis banished for at least a few more decades. I wonder if on some level the cognitive dissonance inside him is what drives him forward - he knows this tower of lies can not stand, but he can't bring himself to seek to topple it. So he will give us no choice but to topple it for him.

It's a bit beautiful sad in a way, the relationship between him and us, his mirror. Dancing inexorably to the same end.

Who cares, his gf is a pig.

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Imagine calling yourself Irish laddie and not even being remotely Irish lmaooooo

I think Vaush is using some kind of proxy to construct dialogue around him and spin the narrative so it seems like anyone at all on this board respects him.

Vaush doesn't have opinions. He's an ewhore that will change his "views" at the drop of a coin if some other grift becomes more profitable

jewish peadophile with the usual assortment of reddit NPC views

I don't think about pedophile grifters like Vaush.

Gay faggot
Fuck off

I'd rather be a nigger than an irish

>Loudest preachers, biggest hypocrites
>Not a critique
It's "the" critique
It always has predictive power
No different from race supremacists never being the best specimens of their race
If they were, they wouldn't care

There's a reason it was
>no Irish
>no blacks
>no dogs

In that order

You are mentally disabled.

I'd rather be Pakistani than british, at least they get respect in England.

Sadly you're American, which means you might well be both!

This dude is unhealthy as fuck. He’s cruel, constantly vying for controversy, he apes Any Forums (while pretending to be anti-racist) and is known to be the vehemently manipulative and narcissistic.

I wouldn’t listen to a thing this guy has to say, he’s basically molyneux for communists. Just a miserable man that’s good with words to get attention.

useless idol thread

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Well I would beat him

I still have no idea who this guy is but I enjoyed reading that sir.

prey eyes. Not joking. More specifically those are the eyes of a male feminist / jew / shyster who will immediately try to jew you.