We're gonna nationalize everything

We're gonna nationalize everything.
There's no need for a private ownership of the means of production.
You can own your home. You'll get a guaranteed right to own your home. Every man and woman. No landlord, no bank to hold your debt, no property taxes. But there's no sane logic under which one person can own any of these big companies we see today.

We seize them all.
We seize all of big tech. We seize all of healthcare and big pharma. We seize the energy sector. We seize the military industrial complex. We seize most agriculture (it's run by corporate farms and companies like Monsanto not some ma and pa farmer like it rightwing fantasy fiction, I assure you, but we'll let the last handful of small farmers left on plant Earth do their thing). We seize most large scale manufacturing.

We seize it all with the government and we evict every CEO. Every shareholder. Every board of directors member. No longer will rich people profit off of these companies would should be run for private interests. Public interests. All of it.

And everyone gets:
>A guaranteed job
>A living wage
>Guaranteed membership in a worker's union
>Universal healthcare
>Full retirement and disability pensions
>Human rights
No exceptions

No longer will our prisons be overflowing with the poor and needy because no longer will there be need. Instead, we'll fill the vacancies with the billionaire class.

Fuck this slavery enough is enough.

They have billions while we have nothing and the only difference between them and us is that they're sociopathic enough to exploit us.

We are not their slaves.

Capitalism is slavery. End slavery

Attached: democrats.png (1200x1200, 66.01K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What is your opinion on Top Gun: Maverick?

what makes you think this plan won't gamed and corrupted?

sounds naïve but at least you kinda sorta somewhat a little but moving in the right direction (but not in the way you think you are),

the devil is in the details.

Also, for real now: What is your opinion on private vs nationalised comapnies in terms of efficiency?

Tha fuck are you talking about LMFAO fucking schizoid rightwingers on the internet


It's not important if they're more or less efficient because the issue is that humanity isn't your slave. We aren't bred to be slaves to private interests or billionaires. That said, it's not even a debate nationalized industry is better. Anytime there's a war every country has to nationalize their businesses to some degree cuz in secret all your leaders know "free market rhetoric is just bullshit for uneducated white hillbillies to fool them into voting against their own interests". Nazi Germany privatized all of their industry when they came to power. Weimar had everything nationalized. Nazi Germany privatized it all. Huge capitalists. Huge rightwingers. Not "socialists" in even any tiny percentage. Just before the war their steel industry was struggling so they had to nationalize it even. Hurt them bad cuz they hated nationalized industry but in the end everyone knows rightwing capitalism isn't efficient or positive in any way. It's just slavery to make rich people rich. Also nazis were the god damned worst

Attached: nazi policies.png (1227x586, 202.56K)

we need to get rid of kikes and niggers first, all of them

Maybe you should talk to someone who lived in Socialist East Germany at the time of the iron curtain. It'll give you some insights as to how things work (lol) in a society like that.

Attached: east germany.jpg (602x448, 95.48K)

>guaranteed job
>living wage
>worker's union
Ur dum user.
If i have a "guaranteed job" and "living wage" what do i need a "worker's union" for except to take away my individuality?
Y u so dum? Werds mene tings u dumdum. U caynt jus say werd cus u lyke um. U so dum!

Attached: 1577001386437.jpg (960x692, 50.35K)

And just a citation on _most_ of what's discussed in that picture. Don't think they discuss the T4 mass murder program of the shitty "worker's union" that was actually a mandatory employers union that workers had to pay into (lol) but it discusses much of the contents of that post and the nazi's general economic philosophy and you can read about the rest separately if you choose

Actually here's a T4 citation too

And for the German "union" that wasn't a union at all but an org to lobby for "employers rights" lol

Maybe you should talk to someone who lives in America you stupid bitch

Wow sounds like they were all super happy and loved it and wanna go back to those times

>Putting this much effort into shit posting.
You really should see a psychologist

You seem well read on many topics, how much do you read?

>made up shit
those "privatized" industries by "rich capitalist" had to dance according to the reichs tune or else they were buttfucked and given to party members, funny how this meme about nazy germany going full pinochet only recently started getting spammed
>looking at you leftypol

lol fucking rightwingers "when you give people human rights and their rights to be individuals ur ackshually taking away their rights to individualism" LMFAO

Fucking "freedom is slavery" right bruh? The unnoficial mantra of the GOP

I will change the world. You can too. You are powerful and the things you say and do matter. They have effects that ripple out and build in momentum as they move forward. Even small, seemingly innocuous actions of yours have meaning and weight. Stop hating and start being part of the solutions

Not made up I put citations for all of it here grow up get real. "Had to dance for da reich!" like that doesn't even mean anything that's just some idiotic shit you made up or it got brainwashed into you by other nazi methheads

Go get fucked. No one worth a damn wants your socialist hell hole.


I knew you were a commie. I will fight you to the death. All you will achieve is mass starvation. Its already starting.

eez nuts

Attached: 1641058525880.gif (734x619, 169.74K)

>We're gonna nationalize everything.

The Jews who fund both parties won't let you do that.

Wow you put a retarded untrue statement in a meme and posted it on the internet. Very impressive

this article just proves my point

not the point i was arguing on, + read it further ther was a reason they acted in such way, and it was compensated (if it was enough is another matter)

no mention about the unemplyed

The cover seems a bit... conspiracy theorish.
>peace symbol
>le floating eye
Peace is... le bad.

America isn't run by jews it's run by hillbillies, first of all.
Second of all this has nothing to do with jews and as far as I know jews are much more leftwing and open to nationalizing industries than the hillbillies are. The hillbillies are the ones who oppose this because they're inbred and uneducated

Attached: republicans.jpg (1216x1686, 279.05K)

LMFAO huh? Are you illiterate? Just taking one of these as an example the britannica article on T4 literally discusses how they mass murdered the poor under the program. Jesus god damn nazis can't even read

Alright, come back to Any Forums when the Democratic party is talking about nationalizing the entire economy and defunding Israel, then we can talk.

>LMFAO huh? Are you illiterate? Just taking one of these as an example the britannica article on T4 literally discusses how they mass murdered the poor under the program. Jesus god damn nazis can't even read
Literally straight from the brittanica article here:
>"Nazi officials assigned people to this program largely based on their economic productivity."
You illiterate inbred hillbilly

I'm not antisemitic and we're not antisemitic in the democrat party but how stupid are you not to know the dems are the ones against Israel cuz it's a racist rightwing apartheid state. And also how stupid are you to know that the dems don't like private interests

Why do neither parties in Washington ever go after Israel or rich Jews like Larry Fink of Blackrock?