I thought drugs were supposed to make me a degenerate...

I thought drugs were supposed to make me a degenerate? These things have made me even more resolute in my moral convictions.

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As someone that has taken these multiple times the effect of shrooms is so unpredictable anyone shilling for them is a fucking jew. I was lucky and only had good experiences but these can permantely change people in a very bad way.

i took dmt once and Yakub appeared to me saying he made a mistake creating white people now my moral conviction is keeping crackers in check

All you have to do is make sure you're in a comfortable setting.

So can alcohol, you tard. Mushrooms are a gift from god. Like all medicines, they should be used properly and deliberately.
I grow the little fuckers and give them away to people.
When they ask what they will experience I can usually predict their trip almost 100% accurately.
A girl asked me for some a few years ago. She was “in a poly relationship” i told her she wasn’t going to have a good trip and she may be looking deeply inward on life and her personal philosophies. She said that was stupid and wanted to party with her friends.
She had an awful trip. Ended up divorced less than a year later but now shes a lawyer, so maybe some good came of it.

>I grow the little fuckers and give them away to people.
Based. I wanna do the same. Waiting on some MSS in the mail.

thats not true. Whenever you take shrooms you are rolling a dice to see if you come out retarded on the otherside. I always liked to think of taking shrooms like holding a powerful magnet up to a computer.

I liked shrooms but I never took more than half an eighth. So I babied it
Still nice time, big smiles

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I used to live with a guy who grew them. If you really think alcohol and shrooms are comparable then you are either biased or retarded. Shrooms ARE dangerous. I did have great experiences when I took them though.

Good man. Its a fantastic hobby. Some unsolicited advice, don’t get too bogged down in the super intricate teks people publish, just get something to grow and refine your technique.
Also build a compost pit for your food scraps, but also put your spent substrate and agar in there. You will eventually get mushrooms popping up in there after rain storms. They’re good to clone to make a hardy strain that resists contamination and can survive some neglect.

Natural 'drugs' are fine as they are made and refined by God.

I'm just gonna start out with Uncle Ben's tek, but I'll inoculate to agar first to try and isolate some good genetics.

Also, definitely doing the compost thing when I move to a place with a garden.

It can’t change you permanently and certainly not in a bad way, you’ve never done shrooms in your life

Shrooms are a gift from God.
Every trip I've done has been unique, and some have been life changing.
I found my mojo after being in a slump for years thanks to shrooms.

1.5g is a great therapeutic dose, IMO. Take it with breakfast on a day off and just float.

I ate an entire ounce once just to see if i could make myself retarded, i was going through a rough patch.
It was a fucked up time, the trip lasted around 14 hours. I came out on the other end just fine but having learned a lot Bout myself and what i wanted in life.
If you have a family history of schizophrenia then any traumatic episode can trigger it if you’ve never had episodes. Mushrooms can be that trigger, but so can stress from work, an alcohol bender, too many video games. Its all the same.

>um no sweaty shrooms cant permantley change you
picrel. Youve probably just watched the JRE faggit

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Shrooms are absolutely harmless. Schizophrenia doesn’t exist.

you were already going down the wrong path and opening yourself to demons helped you fall further

>schizophrenia doesnt exist
top kek now i see you are one of the guys that came out retarded on the otherside

I used to huff 'rubber cement' because it had an anesthetic effect on my neck pain, which developed after a car wreck as a teenager. Instead of making me retarded, I had wrote some of my best work while high on glue, including an essay that won a state competition.

Maybe it fried my brain in the longer-term, but I don't see much medical evidence for specific biophysical mechanisms which would render me any stupider than I already am today.

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Sure they have

Hemingway would be proud.