Explain to me how banning guns won’t stop the problem, seriously

Explain to me how banning guns won’t stop the problem, seriously.

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The concept of “banning guns” is impossible at this point. It’s like saying “let’s ban murder”.


Banning guns is immoral. The NFA and GCA are illegal.


Explain how it will stop it.
You libshits are the dumbest fucking people on the planet. You demand to be proven wrong and to be halted for absolutely retarded policy.

There is no "prove to me why this wouldn't work," you need to put up or shut up. And given your lack of a track record for several decades, it's come to the latter.

Kill yourself. Sage and report this shit thread.

Look at Mexico as an example. Federalized Police in a never ending turf war with a criminal cartel element armed to the teeth while citizens are completely helpless. Not gonna happen in America, sorry.

Based. OP is a faggot.

poverty creates crime and mental illness, mental illness also creates violent crime

crime and mental illness create fear and loathing, which leads to more violent crime and mental illness

guns are a vessel by which to perpetrate violent crime

even if you could remove them from the equation entirely, it doesn't serve to solve the root issues at work.

The American school shooting epidemic is the result of culturally crushing the rugged individualism mindset while celebrating and immortalising evil. To put it simply, young American men want validation, recognition, a sense of superiority, that's what America was founded on, meritocracy, being notable for something. Traditional avenues for the expression of this desire have been shut down, when you celebrate people for things beyond their control like the colour of their skin or their sexuality you diminish and destroy the value of celebration. Simultaneously, you have made it harder for young straight white American men to be celebrated, from the destruction of cultural norms they're genetically programmed to adhere to such as working hard, looking presentable, towing the line, to calling them evil simply for the colour of their skin or their sexuality.

What does all this mean? Young American men want to be "famous" if even on a small scale, to their family, community, and friends. It used to be that they could be famous by doing what they were programmed to do, wearing a suit and getting a good job. You have destroyed this pathway, so now they shoot up schools, because they know it's a sort of celebrity, that people will remember them for it, and because they know on a subconscious level just being themselves isn't a recipe for success anymore.

Got more gays in movies though right?

You would be ruled by whoever can already overthrow your gun banning government. Not a good idea.

cars crashing in large groups of students
molotov cocktails

we're already ruled by multinational corporations and their lobbyists dude

they should raise the age to buy a gun. an 18 year old buys a fucking gun? he can't even buy a beer. or party in a bar. it does not make sense. i say raise the minimum age to 21. & lower access to beer---in the usa. 18 years old shooting kids. something has to change. some kind of tweak to the system that keeps failing. children can't even be safe at school? c'mon. it's just embarrassing.

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>they should raise the age to buy a gun

>law abiding citizens give up their guns
>criminals dont
>law abiding citizens are now defenceless and even easier targets
there you go OP, not that hard

i mean, lower the ability to buy booze. have it be 16 or 17. & increase the ability to purchase guns to 21. across the country.

>increase the ability to purchase guns to 21. across the country.

18 years old is not ready for that much power. brain studies show that your literal organ known as the human brain doesn't stop growing until your like 25 actually. the emotions & shit...of being a teenager. it's just too dangerous. i say let teenagers party & buy booze. maybe they drink & drive more, ok, fine, but that isn't a major issue. the major issue is a little teenager buying heavy guns & shooting up social buildings, civil centres. it undermines the fabric of society.

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No, kill yourself, drunky.

>lower the ability to buy booze. have it be 16 or 17
fuck that, already can't trust fucking kids to drive sober

the reason it's 21 in so many places is so campuses aren't a complete total shithole (not that it works)

It demoralizes you and gives me more power and strokes my ego.

Studies show it's harder to learn safety at older ages.

Guns would be the least of confiscators worries

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Ban multiculturalism.
Problem solved.

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nah, you're way off topic. look, canadians can buy heavy guns but not at 18...
i really think raising it above 18 by a few more years would make a big difference.
i own two guns. & hell no i do not want any sort of ban. but if someone has never had a job or a driver's permit---they buy a big ass high capacity semi-auto assault rifle? c'mon. it's not rational. it's like giving a nuke to a baby.

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School shootings are already banned

Because 18 year old kids can still be angsty teenagers in high school or college that commit these shootings. If you raise the age to 25 they will be out of school and won't be surrounded by the situation that made them want to do the shooting and more mature.

>nah, you're way off topic.
I'm not. What you said has nothing to do with either the OP's question or my response.

>maybe they drink & drive more, ok, fine, but that isn't a major issue

What are the numbers of deaths from drunk driving vs school shootings per year? I wonder. Is it close? Is one wayyyy more than the other? I have no idea, maybe you can google and tell me, you emotional woman.

I see this everywhere. And when i point this out,

>"you realize more people are killed with hammers every year than rifles"

"oh you're just talking numbers and stats now". Well, yeah? That's what matters, right?

just begalize school shoobings and brugs

Explain to me how you plan to get 400,000,000 unregistered firearms out of the hands of 40% of households without causing a civil war, seriously

they will get the booze nonetheless. every country in germany has a low drinking age. it's the drinking culture in the usa that is prone to binging & violence.

I'm surprised more incels on here and r9k don't do more shootings

You've never wanted to shoot your co-workers?

safety? he was a mass shooter who bought the gun---as a teen kid to kill other kids---because mental & emotional problems. you're not rational. i bet you're not even 18 either. bin that knife.

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America nigger mutts are too brain poisoned by estrogen and toxins put in their food by gigantic woke capitalist companies and will just kill again using knives or cars. It’s a failed country that proves how economic and social liberalism is societal death.

>every country in germany
I hate leafs so goddamn much.

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Which problems do you prefer your country to have? I assure you there are plenty of places where the citizens can't have guns. You should go there.

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>every country in germany
made me laugh

how do we help USA gun cult- I mean drinking culture

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Who was? Are you talking about a single case and basing everything on that or in general? Should we not teach kids to wear seatbelts because one guy used a car to run over people?

Let’s try a thought experiment. You decide to ban guns from your household. Then I decide to disregard that and break into your house and shoot you in the face 500 times. Did your ban work?

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The millions of young American men who don't commit school shootings every year can handle guns more safely than they could if they weren't allowed to buy them until they were older. Studies show it.

you're fucking british. you can't even have a gun fag, leave the convo for the real weaponized countries. go buy a baseball bat, a club or a sword you homo. britain is neutered like australia with weapons. stop throwing in your two cents here.

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it's not that. it's the crisis of concentrated demographic livelihood. people are forced to live in crowded areas with too much competition for the shittiest items of necessity. the leads to moral degradation, mental breakdowns etc etc..

it's the effects of industrial revolution that demanded to move rural population which used to be 99% of the population in 1890 to an urbanized setting.. which today is around 95% of the population

people don't take well to being crammed into crowded spaces.

it's not about all this "meritocracy" bullshit. you can still strive for the best.. but the problem is that in a crowded environment there would be 10000 people fighting for the stop of being the best. obviously the chances of winning are next to zero.

you can still become famous but it's just not worth it. the chances and the "opportunities" are still there.. but the motivation, the moral basis is gone. how would you feel if you knew that they do want you to try and they are giving you the opportunities.. they probably would give you free ed and other gibs.. but in the end you'd have to compete with 10000 other guys just like you..
the line to get the prize is too fucking long.. this is what's going on.

a young man has roughly 3-4 years before he hits 23-25 and if he doesn't make it to some level where he's making 10k+ a month he's probably gonna get drowned in a social climb stampede pushed down by the horde of the next generation

young people understand this. many don't even see any purpose in living anymore. while the opportunities are there.. the actual chance for winning something is next to zero.

would you want to compete with 10000000 chinks and indians for a spot in IT? they already drove the pay rates down by 5 fold

Drugs like cocaine and heroin were banned decades ago.
How did that work?

Isn't that what you want? Is it a good thing to have guns bannend or not?

There are way, way fewer of those.

niggers don't obey the current gun laws, so there is no reason to believe they will obey some future more restrictive gun law.