Every vaxxtard i know is shitting their pants right now. We won pure blood bros...

Every vaxxtard i know is shitting their pants right now. We won pure blood bros, they know they injected a ticking bomb in their bodies.

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Other urls found in this thread:


just 2 more jabs for full immunity

Check, One guy at work nose’s was bleeding.

>pharmajew kills people intentionally
many such cases.


no thank you.

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Also being uncircumcised makes it doubly based.

who the fuck would inject anything if these nothing wrong with you? even the moct medically retarted mongoloid has better sense than that. even a fucking ANIMAL a SQUILR has better sense a squilre would not even inject something. those people are psychopath and deserve dead

I got the jab. My feet are now in constant pain. FML.

There's something much worse in your blood pablo

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the other vaccines worked fine.
people assumed this one would be the same.

>get unvaccinated
>untake the vaccine
>undo vaccination
i am loving this

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Just wait until the “cure” to the vaxaids.

Just wait for the hero that promises to save them.

Just wait til both sides are played for fools, as ever.

Dont get cocky yet OP.

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None works just fine.
This one was really bad.

My friend works for a pharma company. Not the ones that made the vaccine and he said they are scrambling to come up with something that'll undo the damage done from the vaccine. All the pharma companies are involved on this and are hoping to get something out in the next year or two. They aren't going to announce the vaccine failure until the fix is ready to go.

cope, go inject mercury and dead babies in your dick right now.

Deep down I hoped to be wrong about vaccines. I hoped to be schizo. Many of my friends and family fell for the jab. It'll be a sad day if it really starts to harm them.

SSRIs cause suicidal/homicidal thoughts
glowniggers groom shooters.

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Two more weeks.

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Nothing's happening with flip vaxtards. Maybe we got the saline injections here.

No they didn't, There is a very big difference in completely vax free children and vaccinated children who received their normal vaxxes. Unvaccinated are much more healthy and cognitively function much higher.

Weird, every vaxxtard you don’t know couldn’t care less because your theories are retarded. None of the shit you claim has come to pass. And it’s just getting sillier with every passing day.

Yeah, only white countries are getting fucked by it.


The antidote: more vaccine


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Doesn’t it just feel so good to be right.

We need workers not lawyers, consultants and brand strategists

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Still seething my bro? Just get vaxed. Come join us and rejoin civilisation.

Is this a Pyrrhic victory or a real one? They got tricked by Jews, so I pity the fools.

They'll be able to inject you again and again now.

A lot is happening, you just dont know it yet. Check the telegram groups...ph is a staple there

the fact people actually think this is legitimately why it happened
the reason history always repeats itself is because the vast majority of people have either no interest in it or have complete faith they are smarter therefor less gullible than people in the past and so wont repeat the mistakes

It took decades to test some of those. But even telling them that didn't matter. It's insane.