I hate living on this prison planet

I hate living on this prison planet

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The planet is freedom.
Society is the prison.

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You are not alone friend.

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Your soul is free, illusion is a prison

That's because you live in a communist shit hole. Fuck you, leaf.

Just wait till they take us down to hell with zero opposition

You and me both. Or is it you and I?
We both hate this prison planet....you and I.

It's okay fren. Times are tough, but they will get better if you have the will and strength to endure.

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As if niggerland is any better. Enjoy your niggers, you have way more than us!

We got to figure out how to make a hole in the firmament.

Haha, we're going to continue making this world as hellish as possible to the point of being alive is torturous, stupid goy, you wish you were dead.

Only one way out

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revolt against the modern world user. Like the heroes of 1933

>I'm going to condemn billions of consciousnesses to the pain of material existence!
What a cunt

Me too

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Curious question but how many bot threads are up right now, can’t help but think the majority of threads are bots or 1pbtid. Always a “he/shes right you know, what would happen, Any Forums btfo, certain civilization isn’t right, ban guns” etc. fucks goin on niggers? And to answer your question op, so am i as well.

He created the prison, but you have always had the keys to leave. Use them.

me too, sometimes. It'll be alright. take it one day at a time.

I don’t know, I’ve had a sudden realisation this weekend that life is really just an illusion. All these burdens we put on ourselves are just illusions. I don’t need to do anything I don’t want to. I’m leaving my work this week because I don’t want to work there. Whether I have enough money for rent or food, I don’t give a shit. I didn’t visit family this weekend because I didn’t want to. I’m not looking at the long term consequences of anything from now on. I just don’t care anymore.


Yeah he's a fucking asshole but he's not all bad. He makes you learn from your mistakes. Every action has a reaction. He's harsh buts he's fair.

Shit my mistake, thats step 2.


>Giving retarded shit tests just because
Alright. It's settled. God really is a woman.

based clutch poster

No refunds

I absolutely loath the fact that everything is owned and every place costs money just to exist in.

There's too many fucking people on this earth.

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Yep and government career people.

Separate ethno states and end government careers... Replace with term limit no pay volunteers.

You're only as free as you are brave dippy frog.

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Stop being obtuse, you nigger. You're supposed to help people.

Meditate. Try to find your soul. Become one with your soul. Become whole. Learn its Truth.
Enjoy your life as it's your last, you'll escape after death instead of being recycled.

But you have heard of me

same, it's getting harder to find the will to just get up. every morning i feel myself getting more tired and the thoughts of suicide increase


>You're only as free as you are brave dippy frog
They only do as much as you'll let them get away with.