BWC GET REDPILL'ed with this video

Watch this vid, latinas crave the stereotypical blonde.
I know for a fact that u cannot pull this out with blonde women (european countries or white states on Cucknada and US) bc there u aren't outstanding (there are many blonde men) but if u are blonde and not ugly, latinas will crave BWC.
At the start of the vid some chad ask him if he's related to Hitler the Fuhrer. Fucking kek
Of course if u are the prime mate for all Latinas Females u are going to get bad attention from male mutts. I have been in many fights for this reason alone, i can see in their eyes how they have an inferiority complex to then come wanting to fight, just for being european descendant kek. The great majority sucks at fighting, im undefeated, but be careful tho bc they are like niggers, they will chimp out 5vs1 if they can or shoot u up if u are messing with the wrong mutt.
It's like a prision but with women in it, the most attractive/cute male is going to be some blonde but at the same time blondes are the least intimidating males out of all europeans descendants (unless viking/scythian 7ft) also bc there are very few types of males that can be attractive/handsome and intimidating at the same time ie Randy Orton 2013.
If u want to visit muttland (Latam) stay on the touristic zones and u will be le happy and le safe.

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nice link faggot

post link

its literally over for brown men
BWC won

They want to be rawdogged to get pregnant and see sex tourists as a ticket to their homeland. And yet so many naive motherfuckers fall for it.

you would get aids

Only if they bang trannies or go to orgies.

You still have to go back Paco

The only white people are blond. You can't have any shade of shit on your head and call yourself white.

just watched this one too. i think she's a ig girl/youtuber herself so this is basically 2 youtubers helping each other get clicks/views

What the fuck is this?

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These perpetual tourists on YouTube are insufferable.

There's a city in Lombardy with my surname faggot, u dont fool anyone chang/pajeet, u have to go back fag
Shit guess hitler was a nigger from south congo, pack it up guys this cunt just eliminated romans and greeks from history, its 500 b.c. and we don't have internet, just rest to do the needful and all will be over so soon...

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No way I'm ever going to a country with free access to scolpolamine ever.

Holy shit topkek

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Burundanga? Or the synthetic one? Redpill me on dis, hope u aren't some white trash junkie tho

interesting video even if you're a coomer.

Oldie but goodie

Would watch thx fren

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kurt caz is fucking based

It's an interesting video. I just watched him get followed by two people on motorbikes. He'd been fucked if he didn't know spanish. I really want to learn it actually, but even in the lockdown I didn't because I am a fucking worthless piece of shit.

dudes got balls for sure, goes into sketchy ass 3rd world shithole hoods to drink beer with locals all the time just for shits and giggles.

whats stopping your from learning now?

I can give u some advise user, what is ur mother tongue?
Spanish can be difficult depending of ur mother tonge